
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:17:56
英语中说你的年级及班级是按什么顺序?是先按班级还是先按年级呢?请按照下列格式书写:是:Grade ...Class...还是:Class...Grade ... 汉译英:对不起、我想我喜欢上了你、急用 What's she 还有 what ari you doing?what are they doing?what's he doing?都帮忙翻译下 go to see Beijing Opera =go to Beijing Opera He ________Beijing opera,but he‘s very fond of it nowA don't used to B didn't use like C didn’t use to like D used not like 求翻译和解释答案 再次中译英~1.The US-India team finally narrowed its focus to the need for sanitary medical supplies,particularly in two villages "adopted"by the Indian students.2.They also raised awareness in their respective schools by giving talks to younger 请用英语翻译:我认为老师在班会上提到的那个男是汤姆. 孔子在什么情况下写了<<春秋>> 改病句 皎洁的明月边有无数颗闪闪的小星星 含有b,h,t,g,o,u这些字母组成的6位单词 我爸爸是中美德混血我妈妈是日韩法混血那我是什么混血?我奶奶是中国的,爷爷是美德混血的.我外婆是日韩混血的,外公是法国的.我会6种国家的语言正常吗 描写母校的作文题目 急.特别一点 作文题目二十年后的作文怎么写 急. What s your mother like?要怎么回答? 要与众不同的 模仿例句改写下列句子..Example:She cooks every day.(yesterday)→She cooked meals yesterday.1.The boy wants a dog like than one.(a week ago)2.The old man dances in the Park every day.(two hours ago)3.I am going to meet my friend at the bus s 带有眼的四字词语一定要有眼 模仿例句改写句子例句:John is watches television every day.(if)→I want to know if Jhon watches television every dayJake is reading(what)___________________________________________________________.还有…… 含“眼”字的四字词语 模仿例句改写以下句子例句1:Put on your coat 改:I am going to put it on.句子:1) Turn on the taps 2) Turn off the light 3) Turn on the lights 4) Turn off the television 5) Turn off the lights 6) Turn on the stereo 仿照例句,改写句子例:人人都说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方.没有人不说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方.人们怎么会不说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方呢?1.我是个优秀的少先队员.( )( )2.同学们的集 建国60周年祖国科技的发展最好文字多一点 我的血统各是几分之几?我是多国混血吧?我爷爷有挪威和印度的血统,奶奶有荷兰和保加利亚,英国的血统。我外公有伯利兹和泰国的血统,我外婆有澳大利亚,罗马尼亚,外蒙古,中国的 哈利波特里的纯血统是怎么定义的?混血是巫师与麻瓜,泥巴种父母双方都是麻瓜,纯血里,讲到父母双方都是巫师,但是对于出身有更严格的要求么?比如其中一方是混血或泥巴种,虽然也是巫师, see a play和see an opera有何区别? Beijing Opera is a _____ play,______?京剧是传统的戏剧,不是吗? 一个钟表的分针长10厘米,这根分针走了45分钟时,针尖所走的路程是多少厘米? 钟表的分针长20厘米,经过30分钟后,分针的针尖走了多少厘米?经过45分钟后,分针扫过的面积是多少? 某钟表的分针长15厘米 (1)从3时到3时45分,分针针尖走过了多少厘米?(2)从3时到3时45分,分针扫过的面积? 钟表的分针长20厘米,这根分针行走60分钟,它的针尖所走的距离是多少厘米为什么不可以乘于60 what are you doing?是什么意思初中英语 what you are doing 看清楚,不是what are you doing now是what you are doing now