
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:56:06
It was sunday yesterday.写一般疑问句,否定句和划线部分提王问,划线的是 sunday. 某河自北向南流,西岸比东岸侵蚀严重,一年还有俩次太阳直射机会,该河纬度是多少? 设河面宽l=1km,河水由北向南流动,流动v=2m/s,有一船相对河水以V‘=1.5m/s从西岸到东岸问(1)船头与正北方向成15°角,船到对岸花多少时间?何处?(2)要求时间最短,船头与河岸应多少度?最短时 一条向南流的河流,西岸受水流的冲刷比东岸严重,该河位于(只考虑地转偏向力的影响) A北半球 B南半一条向南流的河流,西岸受水流的冲刷比东岸严重,该河位于(只考虑地转偏向力的影响 河面宽度为L=1KM,河水由北向南流动,V=2M/S,一船相对于河水以V'=1.5M/S从西岸驶向东岸,要求相对于岸走过的路程最短,求船头与岸应成多大角度?到对岸时,船在下游何处?要花多少时间? 浅议组工干部如何不断增强事业心责任感麻烦告诉我 have you met each other Usually,family menbers and friends get together这句英语的中文意思是什么谁会的发给我 we can make it if we combine our efforte什么意思 Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles.谁能翻译下 MARY皮尔S brother likes 《run》run的正确形式 不是每一条江河都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖 仿写 不是每一道江河都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖+访句 不是每一道江流都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖 该如何仿造 造句:不是每一……都能……,不……的便成了…… 例子:不是每一条江河都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖 不是每一条江河都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖 出自谁的什么文章,急, My brother usually watches the football _______(节目)on TV . My brother often watches v___ games on TV. On weekends,my brother often watches TV at后面填什么? The children are very happy in the kindergarten because they ------(take good care of ).用括号内适当形式填空!求各位大神解答!谢谢啦! A teacher has thirty pencils in the box.There are thirty children in the class.The teacher wantsto give one pencil to each child and he also wants to leave(留下)one pencil in the box.How does he do it?(You can answer in Chinese. the teacher ______ the tasks among all the children in her classA.separatedB.divided C.sharedD.gave 英语翻译“喜欢你,好想对你说,但我却不够有勇气!你将去工作了,只有--祝福你!” 英语翻译翻译:我知道我配不上你,我就想让你知道,我喜欢你!即使,你不会把目光多留一秒钟在我身上,当我狠下心来,想要放弃的时候,才发现那是多么的不现实. 英语翻译When the process was reversed ,the solution was sucked out of the droplet.A picture was captured before the droplet contact line receded.The contact angle in this case was marked as receding contact angle (RCA).The figure below shows how what () in your handbag,madam?——some money and an ID card应填 is 还是are _____in your handbag ,Madam Some money and ID card A Where is B What is C what are D where are理由 投影机灯泡坏了, 孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统是的宣誓词全文求大神帮助 英语翻译论文摘要 投影仪灯泡更换步骤? 用my mum made a promise that造句一句用 定语从句 一句用 宾补 my mum made a promise that made us so happy is wonderful 这句是定语从句么?