
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:45:34
you have a message .. 阅读短文,补全单词!Sleep a lot or a little?Sleep a lot or a little?How long do people need to sleep every day?It depends a few things.It depends on a________.Babies need more sleep than adults.It depends on what you do during the day.If you do A little or A lot请快些回答.A:"Can you put some onions in the dish I like them very much."B:"I will put____.I like them,too."有人说用a little,有人说用a lot,请问到底应该用什么?为什么? 已知25℃时,AgI饱和溶液中C(Ag+)为1.22×10的负8次方mol/L,AgCl饱和溶液中C(Ag+)已知25℃时,AgI饱和溶液中C(Ag+)为1.22×10-8mol/L,AgCl饱和溶液中C(Ag+)为1.25×10-5mol/L,若在5mL含有KCl、KI各为0.01mol/L 已知常温下 AgCl 与 AgI 的溶度积分别是 1.0×10 -10(mol/L)2,1.5×10 -16(mol/L)2.若向 200 mL 饱和 Ag已知常温下 AgCl 与 AgI 的溶度积分别是 1.0×10 -10(mol/L)2,1.5×10 -16(mol/L)2若向 200 mL 饱和 AgCl 溶液中加入等 解释B选项……?AgI的溶度积常数比AgCl的小……什么意思? 1.Is ____time to have_____breakfast now?A.it ,/ B.that ,a C.this ,the D.it,the2.Kate is buying a sweater and I want to buy____,too.A.it B.a one C.ones D.one3.-Mum,I'm talking my English exam tomorrow.-_____!A.Come on B.Don't worry C.Be careful D.Good a little little 的区别 初一线段题.在线等.帮帮忙!平面上有3个点A.B.C问:1.过两点画一条直线,共可画多少条?2.以一点为端点且经过另一点的射线可以得到多少条?3.可以画多少条线段? appreciated adj 词性 i liked this trip very much.啥意思? I enjoyed the trip very much that I didn't realize 为什么讲very 改为so? 半圆形面积怎么算 赣榆新城作文要原创的 急~~~ 今天就要~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 快点 作文:赣榆——家乡的名人 写家乡名人的作文赣榆 旅游者游览某水库风景区,乘坐摩托车艇顺流而下,然后回到登艇处,水流速度是2千米/时,静水的速度是每小时18千米,为了浏览时间不超过3小时,旅游者能走出多少千米? 《曹刿论战》课文写到了决定战争胜负的政治准备条件是 哪个人物被称为"古代伟大哲学家的最后一个人 The gifts of charity meddled with a man’s private affair.来自10000词 look!Two men are having a fight ___ eavh other.A.to B.at C.for D.with Having observed Joe with other poeple,I noticed something .这句话的WITH 相当于GET ALONG WITHHaving observed Joe with other poeple,I noticed something .这句话的WITH 相当于GET ALONG WITH那这句话改写成Having observed Joe GET ALONG W 一个开关上有三个按钮,控制三个不同的电灯,请问怎么那个开关上,怎么连呀 (初一数学题)旅游者游览某水路风景区,乘坐摩托艇顺水而下……旅游者游览某水路风景区,乘坐摩托艇顺水而下,然后返回登艇处,水流速度是2千米/时.摩托艇在静水中的速度是18千米/时,为 根毛区是吸收____和_____的主要部位是不是水分和无机盐 根毛区是什么组织 根毛区与成熟区是否相同? 植物根的成熟区 如:( 嘎嘎 )_____小鸭_叫,( )______叫 oasis的little bylittle的歌词 little by little 的用法 1.204x10^23个co2分子和标准状况下的3.36Lco气体体积之比为