
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:56:43
英文题,求教,括号里有提示,看不懂,求教,perter________(plays / is playing) football.he _______(does not play / is not playing) football now.he________(watches / is watching) TV. 我刚刚在麦当劳打工,不过我看不懂上班表. 用几个动词造句.1、造句:带.,顶.,冒.,送.2、“代价”指的是什么? 英语翻译1) replace java\jar\install.jar with the patched one..Make backup the original firstSkip 1 step.Patched install.jar integrated in .iso.(repack by scutter)In install_jar.rar incleded original and patched files.2) install the program using 5个动词造句是用汉语, 快, 速度、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 用9个连续动词造句 中文 动词造句,不难.meet遇见do做sell卖need需要like 喜欢have有\吃以上词各造5句, 用连续动词造句 初一英语短文 完形填空Spring Festival is ______(在)the first day of the first lunar month.In Spring Festival,Chinese people _____(喜欢)having meals with thei _____(家人),and playing fireworks in the open air.It's 11o'clock on Spri 英语老婆怎么写 一篇英语短文完形填空Although cars are amain pollutant of the environment,it hasn't s_____ designers from making new cars and showing their ideas to the pubilc.M____ the cars of the future will not pullute the air as muchen.For the m____,we 用九到五个动词描写一项运动 写几句描写人物连续动作的话不少于五个动词 01 16 的我爱记歌词里那首英文歌叫什么来着 它的动词怎么写 He seems______the old lady.A.knowing B.to be knowing C.to know D.to be known 英语选择题01,请帮下Sorry i'm late.I_____have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A.mightB.shouldC.canD.will选哪个?请讲讲为什么?我是初学者,要考公3,基础不好,请多指教! 一道英语选择题01it ___quite correct that happinesscomes from thinking about things in a positive way.A has been turned out B is turned ou有没有it is turned out that这说法象it is said that 推荐几本介绍我国神话故事或有记载神魔传奇故事的书,比方《中国神话传说》在线等答案 2008824-----01英语选择题I hope _____on time A her to come B she can come C she can comes D her comes我认为选B,但是答案选A.是不是答案错了 问一道英文题目~01You are saying that every student,whenever or wherever they are,must wear thear school uniform,and this is (where) I disagree.为什么括号中词不能用what?理由? 090507英语01(共4题):1.The price of oil has _______ sharply to $12 a barrel recently.A been raising B raised C been risen D risen (为什么选择D而不选择B呢?好像raise是vt.rise是vi.和这个有关系吗?)2.with的复合结构是 炎黄的神话故事或者推荐些介绍当时事件的书?最好还能网上下的 中国最早的神话书是什么? 有哪些书是讲古希腊神话故事的书?全部列出来,推荐几个好的,我要去新华书店买. 后悔的句子三句,要长一点 哪些书是讲古埃及神话的?要讲详细的古埃及神话.要有书的介绍.最好有作者和出版社,这样买起来方便, 有哪些表示后悔之情的句子 形容失落又后悔的诗句有哪些我是来做作文的小标题啊最好写出意思啊 英语翻译这句:你若安好,便是晴天. 英语翻译:你若安好,便是晴天 我国最有名的长篇神话小说是