
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:24:28
do,a,have,month,school,you,trip,this(连词成句),谢各路大侠帮助! 1.is this really week Bob busy(连词成句) 2.do a have month school you trip this (连词成句) the,to,we,on,went,beach,trip,school,the 连词成句 与Jing Yao发音相近的英文名我叫Cen Jing Yao 是女生麻烦各位大虾帮忙起一个和中文发音相近的英文名 我已经很长时间没见过外公外婆了用英语怎么说 you,trip,I,hope,have,good,a(连词成句) 有没有以y、x开头的英文名?女生的,最好跟心怡的读音差不多的. good,l,you,have,a,trip,hope连词成句 good/I/you/have/a/trip/hope.连词成句 hope,a you,I,have,trip,Austrilia,good,to 连词成句 (hope) you'll have a good trip.括号里可以填别的吗? 工装用英语怎么说 China and India are the countries with a population还是 populations当population涉及两个或以上的国家时,用单数还是复数? 原创的k开头的英文名,意思、读音希望写出来.谢谢啦 我想要一个英文名是D开头T结尾的、要注明意思哦、我差点忘了、、、我要的是女生名字 我想要个以J开头或有jie的发音的英文名字.最好中文意思有“洁”的内容啊,最好附上意思解释 我想取个和yi音开头的英文名,意义好一点的,谢谢我的名字叫一霖,我想取个和一音相似的英文名,可爱点意义要好点的,婴儿,5个月,女孩 a,we,trip,October 16th,have ,school,on They have a school trip on May 16th.对 May 16th提问 October.lesson.have.on.geography.a.we.tenth .连词成句下 用on ,we,october,eighteenth,English,speech,contest,an,have连词成句迅速. 1.In 1990,it ___ more than five billion.2.Now at the beginning of the 21st the world's population ___ six billion.3.four hundred years ago,the number___over 500 million.用reach 、pass 、be 填空.尽量不要用重复的词填空. the population in china.__is more than in japan.横线上填什么?是it还是that? The world's population was about 6.5 billion in 2008.下文是什么? Early to bed and early to rise ,makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise 出自哪里 胆小用英语怎么说用汉语注音 early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise背景故事要背景故事。最好是本杰明为什么说出这句话的、、、 虾皮和胆小用英语怎么说? 为什么会害怕和胆怯英语怎么说 i do not want to see her any more同义句i want to see her ()() I don't want to see you any more 女王的英文是什么