
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:42:50
I not think he can play volleyball.哪里错了 i think he likes playing volleyball改为否定句 你认为当前农村小学信息技术教师在课堂的师生互动存在哪些问题? 一辆汽车从甲开往乙地,如果车速提高20% 可以提前1小时到达,如果按原速行驶一段后,车速提高30% 也可以提前1小时到达.那么,原速行驶了全部路程的几分之几?帮帮偶吧.今天晚上就要要~ DANGER什么意思啊?求求求! 现在小学课本上的语文课文,还有没有关于科技的,我记得我当年的课本上还有一篇”信息高速通路”,讲互联网的. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1,I didn't get up until 11.30 this morning.2,Football is the most popular sport in the word.3,I've never been to Greece,and I'd love to go there.4,We've got enough money to hire extra staff.5,I must have left 现在92石油多少钱每升 剩下几只蜡烛?关羽夜晚在府中读《春秋》,卫士在房间里点燃二十支腊烛,点燃的蜡烛首先被风吹灭了三支,之后又灭了两支,卫士为了不让蜡烛再被风吹灭,关上了窗门,此后蜡烛就没有被吹灭过 英语翻译None of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule.None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA.CAS# 1310-58-3 is listed as a Hazardous Substance under the CWA.这三句翻译成中文这是MSDS里面的 this is zhe end of the test以爱护环境,环保为主题的 150字左右的作文 onchange="test(this)"这里的this是什么意思?为什么要写this方法是:function test(a){} this section is to test your abilityto give proper answers to questions.谁可以翻译一下 目前国际石油价格是多少 氮肥是不是有机物 常见的属于氮肥的原子团有___和___?. 空气中氧气的含量实验氧气含量过高的原因通常的情况,在做实验时会发现氧气的含量不足21%,但在一次上课过程中,却发现测得的含量高于30%,这是什么呢? 测定空气中氧气含量的实验氧气大于五分之一的原因氧气含量大于五分之一的原因 翻译:leave the stove on be in danger be in danger还是be in dangerousbe in 后是加形容词,还是名词danger,dangerous词性 翻译:1.leave the stove on 2.be in danger 翻译:1.leave the stove2.on be in danger be in the danger of还是be in danger? 请问~尿素是属于有机氮肥吗? This group of boys often ( )basketball afterThis group of boys often ( )basketball after school,括号中填play的适当形式, 求救 the three girls in this group are said ____the three girls in this group are said ____ .A to be a same age B to be of an age 我不懂 我既想知道B是什么结构 ,也想知道A 怎么错是不是be of + n A 改成to be the same 感激不 高手请看这选择题 the three girls in this group are said ____the three girls in this group are said ____ .A to be a same age B to be of an age 答案是B 我不懂 是什么结构啊 A怎么错的? 是指同龄还是指达到了年龄可不 He often runs in the park in the pak in the moring.(用this time yesterday 改写)He often runs in the park in the pak in the moring.(用this time yesterday)He---------- ---------in the park this time yesterday offer sb sth,the danger ous of 的中文意思是? 有关催化剂加热的化学方程式中学阶段反应需要催化剂加热的方程式有哪些?好像不多吧.做推断题用啊 甲乙两车同时从两地出发相向而行,在距“中点”24千米处相遇,已知甲乙两车的速度比是5比8,两地相距多少 英语翻译我朋友想纹身.但是我去baidu都找不到翻译.在此,希望朋友们帮忙把名字翻译成希腊文.名字:陈蓉蓉 周亚佳中文翻译泰文!急用我拿来纹身的!陈蓉蓉 周亚佳