
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:01:10
he looked at me ( )when I interrupted him.[angry/angrily] 请问下面的结构有什么语法规则?为什么不能选A/26She is one of the few persons ________from mistakes.A.whom l know have lerned B. I know who has learnedC. whom l know has lerned D. I know who have learned答案:D 如果可以的话请说明语法. ----Our school is in great need of the books.----Don't worry.They ( )here soon A.have been B.have----Our school is in great need of the books.----Don't worry.They ( )here soon A.have sent B.will be sent C.have been sent D.will send valentines day怎么读 带有"婧"字的四字成语或词语 想个带“婧”字—(与“静”同音) 的词,5个字的表达爱慕、漂亮、喜欢、欣赏等意思.我不是要什么现有的词,我是想大家帮我编一个,随便,只要听起来顺口 王安石的《伤仲永》与诸葛亮的《诫子书》在内容和写法上有什么异同20字左右 诸葛亮《诫子书》于王安石《伤仲永》两文在内容和写法上有什么异同 帮我看看语法有问题吗?hello everyone Nice to meet youMy name is Jin DongjunYou can call me CharlesI want to be a good cookThis is my dreami need this chanceI will work hard every dayI hope to get everyone's help Thank you 英语作业翻译:她不仅习惯语文…… 其中有两个字的读音是 jing yi越多越好! 成语中有没有,既包含yi的读音又包含na的读音的啊?能不能好听一点的啊? 不及物动词是一定不能直接带宾语的 那不及物动词是不是全部都可以不带宾语呀 好像belong是不及物动词但It belongs.这句子意思也不完整呀, 不及物动词不是可以不带宾语吗.但为什么It belongs 这句好像不完整啊 但belong是不及物动词喔 不是可以不带宾语吗.为什么不带宾语好像不通顺 不及物动词都不能带宾语? 《最后一头战象》细读课文,思考文中的嘎羧又有着怎样的情感,课文又是怎样表现它的情感的呢? 不及物动词是不是永远不能跟宾语,有没有特殊情况怎样分辨及物和不及物,不及物跟宾语一定要加介词吗?有特殊情况吗? 将一个数的各位数字相加,一直加到最后是六,请问在2012里面有多少个这样的数 1至6几个数字怎样相加都等96各数分别填入三角形的各边,使每条边上的三个数相加得9 They could do noting to bring down prices.怎么翻译? 该怎么赞颂嘎羧?快一点哦!偶急需呀! what day ____(be)it yesterday?用适当形式填空 翻译:Believe it or not,the old man is a millionaire. Each of you___responsible for the accident.A.am B.be C.is D.are How no matter you do think me,I thought that I like this will not stop only 关于尊师重教的三句名言 金龙献瑞的瑞字什么意思? 金龙献瑞的意思解释金龙献瑞 尊师重教的名言 金龙献瑞是什么意思 Pack up the items you'd like __along and leave behind those you dislike __ with you on your journey.A.to take;to take B.taking;taking C.to take;taking D.taking;to takeMany great men have risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison ___.A.instead B.for ex