
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:40:02
考试急用1.Do you think the skirt looks beautiful __B__me?A.in B.with C.on D.for2.Many people caught cold last month because of the __D__weacher.A.change B.changed C.changing D.changeable3.I was supposed to _A_8:00,but I was late.A.arrive at B.rea 求教几道初三英语单选,麻烦详细说明.1.Look at _____.He is boating happily in the river.A.the photo of Mr.Wang`s B.the photo of Mr.WangC.the photo of Mr.Wang`s2.I like ____.I wish I could have one like that.A.your that beautiful skirtB.t 中国人一直被比喻成什么? i've been waiting for you for mnore than two hours!Ican hardly wait____.a.a long time b.more time c.any longer d.any more 中国人把黄河比喻成什么 丑陋的中国人把中国人比喻成什么 《最后一分钟》脊梁比喻中国人的什么? 【初中相似几何题一道 已知四边形ABCD∽四边形A'B'C'D',它们的周长分别为90cm,72cm,且AB=20cm,CD=25cm,B'C'=24cm,A'D'=12cm(1)求A'B' BC C'D' DA的长;(2)求S四边形ABCD:S四边形A'B'C'D' 初中几何题,答对追50圆I外一点O向圆O引两条切线OA,OB,在劣弧AB上取一点C,且AC小于BC,连接并延长AC,BC,交OB,OA于D,E,求证,△ACE,△OCI,△BCD的外心共线. The film ___ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.A had already been on B had already begun C have alreay been on D have already begun 为什么为A呢?This book is worth ___.A to read it B reading it C reading D to read答案为C为什么类? 初三英语单选 可不可以说详细点说点解析 1.______Whites had_______big dinner last Sunday.A.The,/ B./,a C./,the D.The ,a2----Would you like something to drink?-----Yes,some_______please.A.tea B.bread C.apples D.meat3.Xiaowei looks forwa 初三英语单选,1( )-----It seems that you are very busy with your subject all the time ,Sally.-----I have to .I have a lot of _____ from the societyA.time B.culture C.pressure D.interest2 ( ) -----Please don't step on the grassland.Can't you 一道初三英语单选求解析(D)--How long _____he_____his home?--For about two weeks.A.did;leave B.is,leaving  C.has;left D.will,be away from 一题初三英语单选求解析,Great changes in my hometown _____ in the past few years.A.have taken place B were taken place C.had taken place D.have been taken place这题正确答案选择A.我的错解是D.问了同学,他们说因为 have bee T1+T2+T3+.Tn=n[(n+1)!]证明对于任意正整数成立证明过程 已知数列{Tn},Tn= 3/(2^(n+2)+3/2^n-6),证明T1+T2+T3+··· what did you doing to sleep that time?译英文 射手座的幸运日是? 什么时候是射手座的幸运日?礼拜四 有点差距是什么意思呢? 电视里面说顶你个肺是什么意思? 顶你个肺是啥意思 射手座代表什么动物? 什么是顶你个肺 广东话"我顶你个肺"是什么意思 计量经济学中的一道自相关问题普通的回归模型是:一阶自回归自相关求U5 at that time 是过去时还是将来时?123 射手座生气时像什么动物 以前的圆字是什么样的 给你两个圆,两个三角形和两条线段,请你用它们设计三幅作品,并分别用文字加以描述作品的含义急啊! 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆.的简短意思.(9-20字左右) 什么好什么圆.四字