
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:00:18
初中英语从句题 语法书做到一题目,解释看不太懂,谁能教教我啊1.You are growing so fast .Can you tell me_______now?A.how fast are you B.what did I do C.how tall are you D.how tall you areD.连接词做定语时,要把被它修饰的成分一起提到 英语从句中all that=what,还是all what=that? girl .come .on .follow .me is there anything that ________you there Yes it's a nice place the sky is usually blue and the water is clean How dou you do 什么意思 This was--- I mended my broken bike.Now I can ride it.A.What B.When C.How D.Why Did Li Lie mend the broken bike this morning?如何改为被动态? feel sth + adj/adv 这个结构如何使用,什么情况用副词,什么时候用形容词?例如,Tom feels differently. 街头篮球的按键英文和英文解说如按1会有什么后仰和空接时解说员说了些什么 左手无名指有痣是什么意思? 眼尾有痣代表什么 眼尾痣表示色难之相是什么意思? 眼睛周围突然长了个黑痣【眼睛周围长黑痣】病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等):今年一月份开始有的,刚开始的时候有点红肿,像是被蚊子咬过的痕迹,后来就出现针尖小的黑点, 求中国化工产品大全 TXTRT要电子书的我要MP4看~ There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.moreboy of not more than seventeen.此处not more than 能做boy的定语么?of not more than seventeen 这个部分不就是个介短么?而not more than seventeen 是做 not more than 哇塞、、 左手无名指有小痦子是什么意思啊 I fell close to 或者“我想靠近你”的英文怎样? 初一英语首字母填空(easy)1.In many p_____ Father Christmas himself brings presents to him.2.Some people like to stay t_____ with their family at home and rest.Others think it's b_____ to go out for a walk.3.They have a big farm and o_____ The stories about the long March__ __this is one example ,are well written.填空讲原因翻译 the stories about the famous athlete,()this is one example,are well written. A in...the stories about the famous athlete,()this is one example,are well written. A in which B about which C on which D of which 答 求修改句子the inner spirit secret about the person in the article demonstrate that the article which is written by Hawthorne will last forever with a great reputation . 谁晓得宇多田光的‘this one’中文歌词?急用!·····中文和英文对照的 ok的同义词组 else的同义词组What else can you see at the aquarium?(同义句)What ____ _____ can you see at the aquarium? Let's carry the desk,don't we?这句话哪里有错? He is the sort of person everyone admires.admire是及物动词啊!它后边不用接宾语吗?!这个句子有问题吗? He is the sort of person _____everyone admires.这个填什么?请详解 he is that sort of people 和 he is that sorts of people英语课上.老师就给我们口头举了个例子.老师说,sort有时有点带贬义的意思.例如他就是这样一个人呀.he is that sort(s) of people.那个sort还是sorts 我没 sort of person 英语语法问题-请问the sort of person算是不定代词吗?