
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:54:44
你知道电话是谁发明的吗?英文翻译 15~16世纪的航海家,要有时间、路线、意义最好给我做成表格状的 关于十二烷基三甲基氯化铵请问,十二烷基三甲基氯化铵和十六烷基三甲基氯化铵再功能上有什么区别?二者能互相替代吗? It is you 中文歌词西域男孩那首 哪有十八烷基三甲基氯化铵?求介绍 It is OK if you deal with.(详见内容)什么意思?It is OK if you deal with shipping line directly but if you book with a forwarder, we will lose handling fee here谢谢! 我们单位想买十八烷基三甲基氯化铵,哪有卖?能不能先提供下报价? Go to summer camp.请翻译一下, 英语翻译Danny and the Dinosaur go to campDanny went to camp for the summer.He took along his friend the dinosaur.“Camp is fun.you will enjoy it,” said Danny.“Thanks.I needed a vacation,” said the dinosaur.“Welcome,” said the camp owne 英语翻译One day Danny went to the museum.He wanted to see what was inside.He saw Indians.He saw bears.He saw Eskimos.He saw guns.He saw swords.And he saw ...DINOSAURS!Danny loved dinosaurs.He wished he had one."I'm sorry they are not real,"said D 英语翻译story and pictures by syd hoff Danny was in a hurry.He had to see his friend the dinosaur."I'm six years old today,"said Danny."Will you come to my birthday party?""I would be delighted,"said the dinosaur.Danny rode the dinosaur out of th 欧洲航海家的探险活动和新航路的开辟,对人类历史产生了什么巨大影响 在新航路的开辟过程中没有到达印度洋的航海家有1达伽马2哥伦布3麦哲伦 稀盐酸与氯化氢的区别是什么 It's terrble that I didn't go anywhere this summer holiday.(同义句) It's terrble that I—— —— t只有2空,谁最快就把最佳答案给谁 i was so busy that I couldn't ____a holiday this summer.1.afford,2.support3.share4.gowhy? this is the holiday that i dreamed 这句话有拼写错误么 文章有木有语法错误?When I remember that story,I was so happy.This summer holiday ,I went to文章有木有语法错误?When I remember that story,I was so happy.This summer holiday ,I went to Dunhuang with my father.I went to visit the Mogao 求区别浓盐酸与稀盐酸化学方法(初中) 东风汽车制造厂去年第二季度生产汽车1600辆,比第一季度增加了7分之11第一季度生产汽车多少辆 2你还能提出什么问题?并解答,要写两个 在下需要2-3篇有关于汽车方面(维修、诊断、营销等等)的论文,字数在5000字左右.要Word文件。 汽车销售上下半年卖出480辆汽车,比上半年的销售量增加了4分之1,上半年卖出多少辆汽车? 汽车销售市场上月计划销售汽车1800辆,实际比计划多销售9分之2.实际比计划多销售汽车多少辆? 语文五年级下册第三单元劝说乱扔果皮纸屑 乱扔果皮纸屑,罚款10元 乱扔果皮纸屑,罚款十元 改成婉言的说法 急求简单易做的科学小实验!马上轮到我做实验了.做啥好呢.综合课要做科学实验,不知道有没有什么简单易做的科学小实验. 一辆客车从A站到达B站,然后经C战返回求解 一辆客车从A站到达B站,然后经C站返回 去时车速为每小时60千米 (1)返回时每小时行多少千米(停车时间除外) (2)客车往返的平均速度是每小 电车从A站过B站到C站,然后返回.去时在B站停车,而返回时不停.去时的车速为每小时48千米. 有的同学喜欢咬笔头;有的同学不记得饭前便后应洗手;有的同学夏天喜欢吃很多的冷饮;有的同学特喜欢吃油炸食品.这些生活和饮食习惯都很不好.请你这个健康小顾问从中选出一个,用你 He used to live in()A a six-storeys building B a building of six floored C a six-floor`s building D a building of six storeys 有的同学喜欢咬笔头 怎样劝说同学们一定要改正这个坏习惯?