
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:28:42
can you play chess是什么句型 can-you-play-chess中文意思 Can-you-play-chess中文是什么意思? Could you help me carry the bag,please?() A.Certainly B.Yes,please.C.That's all right.D.That's righ选哪个,为什么,谢谢 英语六级作文要求我的四级作文考了97分,可六级英语作文我却才考了50多分,为何差距如此之大,请帮忙分析六级作文要求与四级有何不同 i don't know how____ ____play chess well.改为i don't know how to play chess well.的同义句 英语翻译众所周知,姚明是中国最著名的篮球运动员.在他刚进入NBA时,很多人都认为他无法适应NBA,更不会取得成功,但恰恰相反,他不仅取得了巨大的成功,而且赢得了所有人的尊重. We ________ play chess than bridge.Some of us don't know how to play bridge.A.had better B.would better C.would rather D.had rather we ___play chess than bridges.some of us don't know how to play bridge.A.had better B.would rather 我看到别人提这个问题,百度英语团队回答的是B.我自己选得也是b.但说起来A也没有错啊.但是我做到的练习正确答案 “我想和外国人用英语交谈,但感到难度很大”这句话用英语怎么说? 情景交际.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话.其中有两项是多余的.A.you have so many now.B.l collected stamps at that time C.you liked dolls.D.can you tidy it up,pleaseE.l spent a lot of money on some special stamps.F.my hobby is 情景交际:补全对话,没空一词.Man:This morning I'm talking with a very ( ) young man,Jimmy,the Bike Boy Jimmy is the boy ( ) fixes up old bikes and gives them ( ).Good morning.Jimmy.Boy:Good morning.Man:So,Jimmy,tell our listenerts what yo 英语在线情景补全对话A:1__ 2__.could you tell me the 3__to the factory,please?B:sorry ,l don`t know A:thank you all the same.[A goes to the policeman.]A :will you pleasa show me how l can 4__to the factory c :yes .go down the road and 5__rig 请把错误帮我改一下,还有大概估个分,Should One Except A Reward When Doing A Good Deed?As regards doing a good deed,there has been a heated discussion among the general pubic in society .Some people believe that accepting a reward after 六级作文,Nowadays,there are a large number of people like to celebrate Westem Festivals such as Christmas Day,Thanksgiving Day and so on.During these festivals,people have activities the same to Western countries.They go shopping,prepare present The robot can play chess.变一般疑问句咋变?如上面所说的.用Can提问 I can play chess (否定句) Cross gate什么意思别说是魔力宝贝的英文名字.跟白痴一样.我是问,这个词什么意思. gate这个单词是什么意思? school gate 如上 cashew cashew gate是塑胶模具行业的专业术语,以前没见过这种说法,是个美国公司在模具说明书这样些的,我是模具工程师,但是不了解这么说是什么意思. gate的意思 Are these socks yours?(作否定回答) 英语情景交际,每空一词 大学英语一第二次作业! 我不会啊啊啊啊 大家救命啊! 大学英语115. Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A. A. would catch B. B. would have caught C. C. could catch D. D. should catch 17.-____I put 大学英语一第二次作业! 我不会啊啊啊啊 大家救命啊! 即系提问啊!十道题呢 呜呜 上午,2010年12月四级用涂ab卷嘛?有这个要求吗?以前做模拟和真题的时候听到过“如果你做的是a卷,涂在答题卡a上,b卷,涂到答题卡b上,涂错或不涂则判为0分.”今年上午刚刚考完.貌似没有看到给 2010年12月英语四级要不要涂试卷类型? 请问~We look forward to your visit是什么意思哪 英语,根据情景,补全对话. 英语补全对话啊啊