
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:43:38
一立方空心砖有多少 已知a,b,c为等比数列,b、m、a和b、n、c是两个等差数列,则a/m+c/n=()A.4B.3C.2D.1 若a,b,c成等比数列,a,x,b成等差数列,b,y,c成等差数列则a/x+c/y=? 已知a,b,c(a 已知1/a,1/b,1/c成等差数列,求证a-b/2,b/2,c-b/2成等比数列 椭圆短轴上的两个三等分点与两个焦点构成一个正方形.求椭圆的离心率 椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的离心率为√6/3,短轴一个端点与两个焦点构成的S△=5√2/31,求椭圆方程 2,已知动直线y=k(x+1)与椭圆相交于A,B (1)若AB中点横坐标为负2分之1,求k (2)若点m 已知椭圆的两焦点与短轴的一个端点构成一个等边三角形,求该椭圆的离心率? (X+8)/(30+8+X)=1/3 (X+8)/(30+8+X)=3/1请把过程写完整,不要直接写答案, (30×8+x)÷9-16=x 如果b是a与c的等差中项,y是x与z的等比中项,且x,y,z都是正数,求证(b-c)logmx+(c-a)logmy+(a-b)logmz=0,其中m>0,且m≠1. 已知a,b,c成等比数列,x是a,b的等差中项,y是b,c的等差中项,证明:a/x+c/y=2 1.My brother often ( ) his homework after supper,but yesterday eveing he ( ) ship.A.does;make B.does;made C.makes;did D.made;did2.The students usually hate ( ) questions.But the teaches ( ) them to do so.A.asks;like B.asking;like C.to ask;hate D. 已知两个正数a,b的等差中项为4,则a,b的等比中项的最大值为4.我得16啊! though he started late.Mr Guo played the piano as well as ,if ______,miss Liu.A not better than B not better C no better thanD no better怎么翻译?选什么?为什么选?这里那么多逗号是插入语?还是从句还是什么? 英语选择题一道(说出原因)悬赏50追加得分Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, ____ obtaining water is not the least.A. of which B. for what C. as D. whose为什么答案是A?Living in the central Australian dese x+4/0.2-x-3/0.5=-16 y=[(0.1+0.1y)/0.3]+1 (x-3)/0.5-(x+4)/0.2=16表示是家庭作业! 几道英语选择题,高手帮忙!1.____year were you born?A.When B.Where C.How D.What2Let me____it for you.A.to do B.do C.doing D.does3.Look at______picture.A.oneB.the one C.first D.the first4.Chidren in the USA like K Day_____.K is for kites.March 1、My English teacher's humor was____make every studentburst into laughter.A so as to B such as to C such that D so that2、____is the kindness of nurse that the patient can never be____to her.A So;too thankful B Such;so thankfulC So;that thankful 1:i seem _my homework at hometoday,miss yin.The third time this week!I wonder if you got your homework- A:to leave;to do B:to have left;done C:to leave; done D:to have left;to do2:Megan is very easily distracted by other’s behav 1、Look!There( ) playing with the tourist on Yinhe Square.A are a number of beer B、are a number of deersC、is a number of deer D、 is a number of deers2、I will never forgot the years( )we studied in the same class.A、when B、that C 请高手帮忙做20道英语选择题,全对着追加10分,在线等,谢谢!一、单项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分)1、I have taken many photos. I'm going to get the film___________.a being developed b developed c developing d 等比数列1,a,a∧2,a∧3...的前n项和sn= 如何提高英语选择题成绩 如果(a+1)的二次方乘以x的二次方乘以y的n-1次方是关于x,y的五次单项式,求n,a应满足的条件.快 英语选择题怎样提高 怎样快速提高英语成绩?介绍一下方法, 通常15分的选择题我只能拿到9分左右(1分1题),大部分是语法题有错,还有一些短语题,我希望能通过自己的努力将选择题拿到满分15分,望能得到各位大虾的指点, 列算式奥简便计算249+87+151+13354-123-77用竖式计算并验算7.1-5.789.48+3.75简便计算25.4+6.3+3.7 分式方程应用题如何分析