
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:04:34
初二英语.第19题即可,有好评哦 初二英语.帮忙.有好评. 初二英语,急,有好评的 初二英语,在线等,有好评 给好评,初二英语 初二英语!急!好评! 1.——I think it will be rainy tomorrow.——_______.We need rain very much.A.Why do you say so?B.I think it won't C.I hope so D.I hope not2.______ great fun we had _______ snowmen!A.What,making B.What a,to make C.What,to make D.What a,making3.It' 初二英语 速度 好评 同义句:1.What can you do to improve your English?What can you do to () your English()?2.It takes about 10 minutes to walk to school.()()()() takes about 10minutes.3.I spend forty minutes in resding newspapers every day.It () me forty minutes ()( (1)Making a good d____ is very important for the teenagers.(2)To our s____,he finished the hard work on time.(3)More and more people know the i____of protecting the environment.(4)What does this word m____. 第四题,高一英语选择, --Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?--As I know ,he spends at least as much time playing as he ( )A writes B does writing C is writing D does write 高一英语,解释一下这三个选择题 He is____ is known as a hacker ---he likes showing off on the internet and attacks websites.A.what B.whoC.thatD.who 高一英语选择 the next moring ,the millionaire was found __in his villa at the seasideAmurdered B be murderedChave been murdered D to be murdered 高一英语 这两道题选什么,为什么 我错的那两道题选什么,为什么 高一英语题目,选择什么为什么呢?It's a nightmare___where the children might be.A worried B worrying C worries D having worried ___by a greater demand of vegetables,farmers have built more green houses.A Driven B Being driven C To drive D Having driven 高一英语第二题选什么 为什么 谢谢 我错的这三道题选什么,为什么 关于亲情的:成语,词语2个,名人名言1条,要出处,好短200字,快快,名言最好少点子数 四字成语,并造句,每个成语造两个句子要描写景色的成语,句子越短越好哦 从眉开眼笑、美中不足、无拘无束、相依为命、怒气冲冲选两个成语造句~ 选词造句 写成语气宇轩昂 生花妙笔 侃侃而谈 形影不离 大笔如椽 门庭若市 难舍难分 神采奕奕 口若悬河 摩肩接踵请你选两个成语造句(不少于50字)写出六个反映孔子教育思想精髓的成语 成语5选2造句邯郸学步,含糊其辞,含沙射影,含血喷人,汗流浃背5选2造句好逸恶劳,浩如烟海,何乐而不为,何去何从,何足挂齿5选2造句 描写祖国山河的成语,表现爱国深情的词语各几个,并造句 描写祖国河山的成语,并且用其中一个造句 选成语,造句全神贯注 斩钉截铁 古木参天 神态自若 昂首挺胸 郁郁葱葱 水天相接 流水潺潺 连说带笑 造句: 选20个成语造句.谢谢啦! 成语解释+造句要短一些的 用下列成语选三个造句用下列成语选三个写一段话:满面春风 虎背熊腰 目瞪口呆语重心长 低声细语 活蹦乱跳巧舌如簧 健步如飞 垂头丧气