
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:18:35
We should take actions to protect animals 同义句We should __ __ to protect animals 新闻采访三要素是什么? The CD is very cheap ,i 'll take it .为什么此处take 不能换成buy 类似的,Fine,i 'll take it .为什么? the police have caught some of the robbers since the robbery happened这句话什么意思have为什么不能填are (最后)the police caught the criminal yesterday Ireceived some Christmas cards from my friend,_____made me happy.that who which what 根据上下文用合适的单词补全对话hello,mike!is there a zoo in your city?_____,there is.there are many animal in it.do they _____from different countries?yes,they do.some are from asia.some are from africa and others are from america._____ 英语 1.The hat looks nice i think i will ____it A take B buy 为什么不选b2.They ___the train until it disapperred in the distance.A saw B noticed C realized D watched 3.Could you please ____me those books over there?A get B take C bring D carry 新闻三要素是什么? 新的思想品德课程标准对课程目标是如何定位的? 思想品德课程标准修订稿什么时间执行 补全对话.在对话的空白处都填上合适的单词,使对话内容完整.正确A:Hello KittyB:Hello,Jim,Whats_____?A:Are you going_______me to the history museum this afternoon?B;Oh great .It must be very interesting.I_______.A;Let us meet at 补全对话阅读下列对话,将空白处补全,所填单词数量不限Simon:Hello,Mille.(1)_____________for vacation?Mille:I went to the Disneyland in America with my parents.We had a great time there.Simon:Really?I have just seen it on TV.Mille: 消息三要素 义务教育语文课程标准修订公布后,主要的后续工作有哪些? “义务教育课程标准试验教科书”《语文》大面积从新学期开始使用——修改病句.修改意见:教材中的写作系列是一个集研究性,实践性,综合性与人文性为一体.——修改病句.修改意见:明 一、义务教育语文课程改革的基本思路是什么?二、义务教育语文课程标准修订公布后,主要的后续工作有哪些 义务教育语文课程标准体系的特点有哪些 电视新闻是什么含义 电视新闻节目的定义是什么?最好是专家著述的引用,写学年论文用, 请问电视新闻上常说的东南亚是什么意思!?!它是一个岛吗?!可以帮我介绍介绍吗?! 急需16篇初一水平英语作文!60词以上的!而且要有中文翻译~ 帮我挑挑语法错误!A girl ,who was beautiful and lovely,was in a bank with her boyfriend .They were going to marry ,so they came to the bank to drew some money.But suddenly ,a couple of men wearing stocking masks broke into the bank.Then the gi A:Oh,my gosh JingBin is that you?B:Hey,ZhaoLe what's up.A:I'm excited to see you here!what a surprise.B:Me too,I've would to Beijing,and I'm just coming back to JiLin to visit my parents.A:Good to here that.B:You have changed a lot.A:Really?I am stil 急需几篇类似英语书上的英语作文,要初一水平,90词左右!有关这三个方面,要三篇文章:1.饮食和生活方式(diet and lifestyle)2.旅游(traveling)3.服装(fashion) 谁帮我挑挑语法错误的地方!A:Hello!B:Hello!How are you?A:Oh!Today is not my day .I'm very gloomy.B:Why What happend A:I forgot bring the key of my home once .B:Un...And than?A:I decide call my roomate .B:That's a good idea A:But nobody answ 挑挑有没语法错误This article consists of four chapters. Chapter one gives a brief introduction to the writing background and main plot of The Old Man and the Sea. Chapter Two focuses on the image analysis of the tough man in The Old Man and t 选出一个划线部分发音不同的:because bee thief street 一的第一个e,2的最后ee,3的ie,4的eetheatre weather everything both划线都是thThursday girl worker hers 1的ur,2的ir,3和4的er His friends are postmen. 划线提问划的是postmen,两种方法提问 a car is running across street quickly 翻译成,一辆小汽车飞快地横穿大街 quickly 是补语还是状 The car is running ___________ 200 kilometres per hour.汽车以每小时200公里的速度奔驰着 Which car is the one that is running fastest?这句话错在哪里 that is running 哪里错了?