
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:24:21
Do you like Monkey k( )?---Yes, I like him very much.括号处应填什么? 大学为什么叫象牙塔 那大学之后又叫什么?人生有三个阶段 象牙塔属于第二个阶段 那第一和第二阶段又分别用什么喻比呢? 什么是单音节形容词?同上,说的明白点,再最好举个例子 形容词比较级不是加MORE吗怎么加LESS了?MUST否定用need not 还有什么次肯否不同呢?need在这里是情态动词吧! fade into someone怎么翻译? 一首词的题目春花秋月何时了,往事知多少.小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中.这首词的题目是什么? this problem is ______ for you to answerA easy enoughB too easyC enough easyD so easy 美国总统罗斯福的事迹 介绍一下美国总统罗斯福的人生历程<文字>要从小到大~完整的 坐船·和·我·上海·奶奶·去·妈妈·看望,这几个词排出不同的顺序 当妈妈把( )的饺子端到奶奶面前的时候,奶奶感动地( ) 填写ABCC式词语 平常长时间积累 换成一个词语后成语 The terrible pollution is harmful by our health. 这句话有什么错的吗? 《河中石兽》中“阅十余岁”岁的解释 ‘阅’十余岁的意思 汉语句子中,逗号的作用主体是什么?我们知道,在中文里面,逗号表示停顿,句号表示结束,并且句号表示的是句子结束.那么,逗号是否表示句子停顿呢?(注意,我的问题旨在探讨逗号的作用主体, what happens in vegas,stays in vegas还是what happened in vegas,stay in vegas?前者对还是后者对? 你不必把她的承诺当回事,她从来不遵守诺言(keep one's word)帮翻成英文 What is our father doing?英文翻译 把烦恼换成另一个词来说 One should always ________ his promise.A.stick to B.insist on C.persist in D.keep to _____ from others,one should take his promise.选择哪个?A、To get confidence B、To getting confidence C、To get confidences D、Getting to the confidence选哪个,为什么呢? what is he going to take Mike and his father work on the farm.T___ work hard.In the evening,Mike's father g___ him a bowlof soup.这两个空 该填什么? Describe a thing which is important to you ?1.who gave it to you 2.what is the thing 3.what does the thing mean to you谢谢各位大大帮忙了! 求一篇关于describe an object or an animal的英语文章雅思口语考试第二部分话题要求要能说满两到三分钟 Describe a restaurant which impressed you 英语口语每个问题能说2分钟就行1.Describe a restaurant which impressed you 从以下四个方面说--dishes --decoration --reputation --service 2.出去吃的好处&坏处、在家吃的好处&坏 He saw an object falling towards him.It was a pail which landed very close to him中文? lt ls going to rain ,you have to take an u 后面添什lt ls going to rain ,you have to take an u 后面添什么 We are on the top of the world啥意思呀 考拉属于什么熊科的动物吗 You're on top of the world.翻译