
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:53:36
用定语从句合并:The car was expensive. He just bought the car. Once there was only one airport in shanghai.(改写句子) Once there_____ ______be only one airport i I______(be) there only once.I ______(go) there with my parents. 关于宋词的赏析论文思路深刻一点的.主要是整个发展历程的. 宋词10篇+解释十篇,速求 谁有唐诗宋词鉴赏(300字左右) 求BRITNEY的Don't let me be the last to konw翻译 英语翻译朋友急要,.Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising Description:"Marieke de Mooij shows that American theories of consumer behavior do not necessarily apply abroad.Her national consumption data are an unobtrusive measure of na 贝多芬,米开朗琪罗,托尔斯泰 三个人的人生经历简答 英语翻译The European advertising market is considerably more heterogeneous – we know how it needs to be handled.请翻译整个句子. 英语翻译Public buses running on Beijing’s streets are more eye-catching compared with their former dull color.However,five or six years ago,when many other Chinese cities began to decorate their public buses with colorful advertisements,Beijing Let me out!这句话中的成分分别是什么?let作什么,me作什么,out作什么?顺便再问一句,名词后面全部都是谓语么?比如说,He studies hard.中的谓语?He made us laugh heavily.中的谓语?抱歉我没积分了. in和out为什么可以接在Let me后面?Let me后面接的应该是动词啊,in 和out只能当形容词或介词,为什么可以这样用呢? The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all.As a matter of fact,Iwould gladly have paid__f 比较费脑筋的数学题专卖店卖东西星期6.7卖了多点星期2卖了少点星期1345平常就一般 但是星期5和星期3不能卖了一样多 一个月30天 总共卖13万星期三跟星期一 差不多 星期4 5 卖了稍好点每个 已采纳 继续求翻译 谢谢 an alternativeapproach to mental health care is one that emphasizes the int已采纳 继续求翻译 谢谢an alternativeapproach to mental health care is one that emphasizes the interrelationshipbetween mind, body, a 英语翻译We propose an alternative approach to automated Web interfaces to databases from those commonly found in Web frameworks which may be unnecessarily restrictive.麻烦翻译下了,google翻译出来实在不通 mental-to-mental是什么意思 We care for our physical health.We also care for our mental health 合并为一句We care for our physical health as---------- ------------ our mental health let let out a 4个和马有关的历史故事(如:王亥驯马、赵高指鹿为马) 啊.贝多芬给我们的启示是什么? They are behind the dor改为一般疑问句 只有 are behing the they grapes ,能组成什么句子 wind 翻译 i wonder why he kept silent all nighthe was _____ Tom's advicea:thinking b:considering 答案及为什么 用It' an honor to 翻译一句话 我很荣幸与大家分享关于怎么学好英语的经验 it is an honor for me to have the opportunity of addressing such a distingguished audience 翻译 7年级下册上海牛津版单词要准确无误,老师让背 泊秦淮描写了哪些景物? 泊秦淮 杜牧 这首诗歌描写了哪些景物