
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:46:36
When do you ( ) English classes?A、do B、be C、have D、doingWhat kind of music does Scott often( A、listen to B、listen C、listens to D、listens 英语翻译辞海记载,虞舜隐耕历山无为天下,历山云雾产自历山之巅,承甘露之苦泽,蕴天地之精气,秉自然之清灵,堪称茶中上品.品味历山之巅高山茶区所产鲜嫩茶芽精制而成上面这两句翻译成英 写一首英语诗,good friend,每句诗开头一个字母要g、o、o、d、 f、 r、 i、 e、 n、 d,写的要语句通顺 Alice returned from the manager's office ( )me that the boss wanted to see me at once.A、having told B、tells C、to tell D、telling选D但为什么不选C表目的 他不可能说谎He ___ ____ telling lies他想方设法看书,但太疲倦了,没看多少.He____ ____read,but he was____tired___read much.It pains me e___ to have to leave you这里pain指什么意思我试图和他联系,但未成功I___ ______ _ 大家帮我分析一下下面几道题为什么选择那个答案.1.Tom sold the vegetables at half price rather than _____ them to go bad.A.allow B.allowed C.allowing D.he allowed 此题我选的是C,但是答案是A,rather than 后不应是doing 帮我看看这几道英语题选什么啊28.Electrical energy ______ from the sun in a round about way is the most widely used energy today.A) come B) to come C) coming D) having come24.______ that he refused to help us,there is no reason why we sho 怎么做 英语题 快 急用 拜托了 如何快速高效的做英语题 快,帮我做英语题目. 帮我看看这几道英语题 解释几道英语试题今天做英语选择题,对完答案好几道都不会,请大虾指点一下(答案已给说说理由就行了)谢谢了~~~~[em15]1.She came to see me _____Tom .A.and B. or C.but D .if [C] (怎么不选A啊?)2.I have 帮忙做几道英语试题一,改错.You say you want to visit as many piace aspossible in this summer,I don't think it is a goodidea.I wannt to tell you a story about my friend,Tom.Last July,he went to Europe for a holiday.Europe wasvery beautiful 请高手帮我做几道英语试题 初一上册英语期末试题如题 初一上册英语的练习题 英语补全句子初一你需要多锻炼,少看电视,吃健康食品.You____________.watch less TV,and_________________.每天早上大声朗读英语对我们来说很重要.It is________________us_____________English aloud every morning.请保 初一下学期英语 补全句子 英语补全句子,Sheis dressed in the lastest f_____.到底是fashion 还是 finally?给出理由。 初一的英语句子题一.改同义句1.I am keen on swimming.2.His brother finished high school at the age of 17.3.We are satisfied with his answer.4.The teacher told us what we shouldn't do in class. 求初一上册的英语阅读题练习30篇最好,答案写在最下面.我急! 求几道一般疑问句题目(要有答案)如题,自己做,想加强下语法.有难度高一点的吗 反义疑问句的所有用法和练习题 六年级英语题——改一般疑问句Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.He visited his grandmother Saturday morning.It was his grandma's birthday.They cooked noodles together.In the evening,they watched TV.Sunday morning, Wu Yifan played football wi 六年级的特殊疑问句写出答案 晕啊,一般疑问句与特殊疑问句的区别.He had some bread 改成一般疑问句是什么呢?晕,真的混淆了. 哪位好心人给找10篇初一的英语阅读练习和10篇完型填空练习 初一英语阅读完形填空It was a winter morning,just a few weeks before Christmas.While most people were warning up their cars,Trevor,my husband,had to get up early to ride four kilometers from home to work.When he arrived,he parked his bike ou 谁有初二的英语阅读理解和完形填空试题都是十篇, 求初一上册新目标英语完形填空和阅读理解!急要!每个都要16个,不用太难的,一般的就可以 初一下英语完形.阅读.填空各十篇 选择:1.Tom is a( )boy.He plays ping-pang( ) a.good;good b.well;good c.good;well2.There is( )water on the floor.a.a lot b.lots of c.many milk是不可数名词吗?根据据句意及首字母提示写出单词We can eat (h )at McDonald's(麦当劳