
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:43:04
不可避免的用英语怎么说? “不断减少”的英语怎么说 这几句哪些是对的,哪些是错的?这几句哪些是对的,哪些是错的?①He often accompanies her mother to go shopping.②He often accompany her mother to go shopping.③He accompanies her mother to go shopping.④He accompany her mother I‘m sorry to hear that you failed in the exam 求歌名 英语女声柔情 please let me go.I just want to say.can you feel my heart be .大概就是这样的.本人英语不怎么好. 请翻译:My heart,just want to say to you aperson. I just want to hold you close and feel your heart so close to mine. We know the boy—.He knows — about Chinese history.A .well,well B.much,much C.well,much D.much 英语翻译我们只知道中国人? He knows a lot about Chinese history 关于a lot 的 提问 ___ ___ ___ he know about Chinses history i am deep in love because you are in my heart .if something strike a chord with me,only you希望能得到合理和通顺的翻译, 上海哪些区比较发达?哪些区比较落后?市区一定比郊区发达吗? 上海人口过多会给城市带来什么影响? 在上海市区和郊区有什么区别?是不是市区的人看不起郊区的?为什么?我是上海郊区的,但是我没觉得! 谁能给我翻译一下这篇文章,谢谢A commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit. Americans, as is alleged, worship only “the almighty dollar”. 我要一个很有个性的英文名 i only know a little about american history同义句i _____ know _______ about american history Lynn know little about Chinese culture I just want to live while I'm alive ,My heart is like an open highway 这面包像石头一样硬.(英语翻译) 下列立体图形分别用多少个小正方体组成. i want to,help you.'just only want to.in my heart.是什么意思 Just want to do ,only in your heart I want to only me in my I want just one you.And only heart意思? “ what i just want is to get your only heart,a“ what i just want is to get your only heart,and we never get apart.麻烦哪位英语达人给我翻译一下, 4minute what a girl want歌词中文歌词 求电影《父女大不同》(what a girl want)插曲影片中达芙妮被亨利的未婚妻关进的房间之后,克拉里莎陪亨利跳妇女舞.之后达芙妮出来生气地把装饰让给她,和母亲离开了英格兰.接下来伴奏的 形容很规矩很庄重的词语一考通第四周达标卷 求4Minute的what i want a girl的罗马音歌词要断开的不要一团的那种有中文音译我给双倍分! 英语翻译用cabin做谓语动词 造句 “中国大陆”作为一个地理位,用英语怎么说?在简历上有一个住址,想填“中国大陆”