
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:17:46
in a minute.A.at onceB.very soonC.late D.on time选择 In A Minute 歌词 布囊其口的囊怎么解释? 反接,布囊其口的接字是什么意思 动物群居的利与弊说清楚就OK 当我 可别 别 别 造一句子 “似乎要下雨了”应该用 it seems as if 还是it looks as if 五岳的岳是什么意思?叫五峰行吗?为什么叫五岳? it looks (great)对括号部分提问 “it seems”……的seem可以用那个词替代?looks? 加法和减法互为? The students ( ) doing sports. A.are all B.all are C.all can D.can all 流星飞的是平行的吗我是说,流星或流星雨划过时,是否几乎与地面平行,还是像动画片的那样斜着掉落下来的呢?还有,流星雨来临时,流星的后面是不是通通都有一条“尾巴”样的东西? 唐雎不辱使命中秦王易地又怎样地用心 有关 核舟记 的故事 核舟记是真实的吗 我还好,用英文说 What would you want at the Christmas?有没有语法错误?maybe you need something can help your English.呢? Answer me what would you want. What would you want anything else?有错误吗如题 汉武大帝有几个儿子 with which的几个疑问why=for which,where=in/ at/ on which,when=during/ on/ in/which那么with which =什么?by which= 什么?另外,All tests require a potential candidate 【with whom】to compare DNA【with whom】 其中whom指代candidate,wit Who can I do with this old ralio? A.Which B.Who C.Whose D.What 这篇课文可以分成几个层次?没一个层次都讲了什么意思? 如果说贝多芬的音乐是灵魂声响的话,那卡拉马拉姐妹的舞蹈就是心灵之舞.只有心灵之舞才是真正的舞蹈.请仿照示例写一个句子.示例:看了卡拉马姐妹的舞蹈,使人深深地体会到印度的优美 Can you see ___ bottom of the swimming pool?A a B any C the When all at once I turn my head,find her there lantern light is dimly shed. I can see a swimming poor _____.A.on the basketball court right B.B.on the right of the basketball courtC.at the basketball court right D.on the right of the basketball court I go to beijing 英语小作文 怎么写 ? 问一道仿造句子的从“行路难!行路难!多歧路,今安在?”的彷徨中,我们看到了李白他“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的自信乐观.请仿造这个句子再写出两三个类似的句子, 联系语境仿造前两个句子再写两个句子,将四大名著得令两部内容从侧面表达出来.长大后,我不再满足于童话给我带来的欢乐,于是瞄上了“大部头”,我时而在鸟语花香的花果山上嬉戏,时而在 怎样学会仿造英语句子?如:He is a boy whom I knew 10 years ago.lemmenqin 21:02:21仿造:He is a teacher whom I met ten minutes ago怎样做到这一步的呢?请教一下老师或者高手