
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:49:21
第二和第三小题. 在下列古诗中填上合适的山名:1、登( )山而小天下.2、明月出( )山. 第三小题求大神! 第三小题~求英语大神~ 第一题和第四题求解, 亚比蛋买什么好.黑小问?神武月?影刃?天使?奥拉星本人有一只100大师兔和一只100战神兜兜,守护者一星,二星,金刚库巴还有合金,沙麒麟都打死了.现在想买个亚比蛋,买什么好(要有分析,而且价 三道英语小题,1.The____ said confidently that they would achieve their dreams soon2.---How can I travel around the city in a day?---It is the easiest____ around the city by subwayA.to get B.get C.getting D.got3.The girl could____ read or write a 三道英语小题1.He won the first place in the long jump,so he is a c_____2.They said they enjoyed t_____ during the winter holiday.3.They think their _____(choose)sport can be interesing. 3道英语小题.我有个非常有趣的笑话.I have an ______ joke.我经常跟同学们去看电影.I often ________ ________ __________ ___________with my classmates.连词成句you,like,toi,go,do,moriie,a,to... 【英语】 3道小题1.Our health and ___ is very important.填6个字母的单词2.We anr all moved by Aron's ____.He is very brave.填六个字母的单词3.I don't think animals should live in the zoo It's not a ____ environment for them.填7个 英语小题3道哦I learn that she____ Shanghai for several daysA.has gone to B.has been away from 选什么,又为什么?Although adult education in the United States began a century ago,_______ cheif growth has taken place since the 1920'sA.its B. 俄国彼得大帝,日本明治天皇改革都成功了,为什么光绪帝没成功 请问闻名的闻什么意思 远近闻名的闻是什么意思? 一道高等数学题.答案给的b=11/2...总觉得很奇怪. 高数,哪个是对的呢?答案写的是1 四六 级 英语好难啊,不知道从哪里下手,做什么题啊? 英语翻译Gisnt pandas are China's national treasure.They are rare animals in the world which only live in China.Most giant panadas live in Sichuan,Shanxi and Gansu Provinces in China.They have black and white fur,big eyes and round ears.Thouah the 英语翻译1.大气空气气压低,空气不流动时主要因素.由于空气的不流动,使空气中的微小颗粒聚集,漂浮在空气中.2.地面灰尘大,空气湿度低,地面的人和车流使灰尘搅动起来.3.汽车尾气是主要的 Adobe Illustrator 里怎么把AI文件等比例缩小 中国画分为哪几类 中国画从表现内容上可以分为什么什么和什么 国画分为哪几类例如白描 闻名一世中闻是什么意思 英语翻译lighting was always changed on a sunday When work started again on Monday ,output duly rose compared with the previous Saturday and continued to rise for the next coupie of day怎么翻译 唐僧分西瓜 八戒吃了1/4,还剩3/4; 悟空吃了剩下的1/3,谁吃得多? 中国画有哪两种表现形式?它们在表现方法上有什么不同? 中国画从技法上为什么画和什么画?从表现形式上为什么画和什么画? 上课打瞌睡,咋办?急初中的生活蛮苦的,晚上12点多睡,早上6点多起来,所以早上上课老打瞌睡,问问大家出来晚上早睡以外,还有什么好办法? 古木()() ,白帝城边古木疏上一句是? 马克思到底是一个怎样的人?重点介绍性格特点