
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:08:17
自相矛盾这则寓言故事告诉我们什么道理 新编实用英语综合教程(1)课后答案 补全单词:I am reading a m( ) about animals补全短语或单词:( )this dress ( ) that one?------No,they are the same.Please give your family my ( ).-------------Thank you.The teacher always calls the roll ( )the class. 用适当形式填空:We can use a knife for __ (cut) thing.That book must __ (be) mine.填空:( ) to guess.We use it to ( ) ( ) new words.What is your present for his birthday?( ) to guess.为什么要填try? 这只可爱的熊猫起来吃竹叶 The lovely panda______ ___________ and ____ _____ ________ 如何表扬人? 世界部分首都是以人名命名的,下列哪个不是?A华盛顿B莫斯科C巴黎 这是什么花?花的习性请详细说明 这是什么花. 这个是什么花? 具体的解释!谢谢! 初中生如何记英语笔记 zhang lan didn't invite Bill__see the movie cars because she only got one ticket__the movie.A./;to B.to;of C.to;to D./;of I'm afraid not ___ you have a ticket ,because I have only one .A\since B\if C/unlessD/though请说清楚是为什么,选择的这个答案间是由什么固定短语的吗? Since you have got only one ticket____you ____Tom can attend the lectureA both and B neither nor C either or D not only but also sister asked me to go there by train,because the train ticket is ()the plane ticketA as cheap three times as.B as three times cheap as.C three times cheaper than.D cheaper three times than 首都是以人名命名的,下列哪个不是:华盛顿 莫斯科 巴黎 科伦坡 他对此事的态度英语翻译 How long does it ______ you to go to Shanghai from Beijing by train?要原因 How long does it( )form Beijing to shangHai by train? A . take B . use Cwith 西班牙语加油怎么说英语时fighting,西语怎么说呢? “加油巴萨”西班牙语怎么说? 刺身是什么做的 生鱼片怎么吃?就是我爸爸 有几个朋友是台湾船的船员 是钓金枪鱼的...有来 就带一些...可是 我爸吃法 好想怪怪的...把肉切好 放到冰箱里 急冻...然后 冻得硬硬的...在粘 芥末吃...跟去 完全 2010年3月购入并投入使用不需要安装设备一台原值860万元,预计使用年限5年,预计净残值2万元,采用双倍余额递减法计提折旧,则企业在2011年应计提折旧额多少 Because of the patient's health ,______________.A.losing weight was advised him by the doctorB.he was advised by the doctor to lose weightC.the doctor's advice was him losing weightD.lose weight was what the doctor advised Suzhou -----------shanghai.it takes only an hour to get to shanghai from suzhou by carA close to B not far away It takes only a few hours to g____to Shanghai 补写对联:(1)上联:春有( )秋有月 下联:夏有( )冬有雪 shanghai is( )the east of China,and it is( ) the east of Suzhou a.in.to b.in..in c.to..to.d.to,in 《种树郭橐驼传》《病梅馆记》《促织》《香菱学诗》《阿房宫赋》《黄州快哉亭记》《项脊轩志》《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》《秋水》《前赤壁赋》《窦娥冤》《二则》《训俭示康》《过秦论 怎样写对联要押韵 仿句,写对联的下联