
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:43:26
千里江陵一日还的上一句? 一道初一名词练习题..--What did you do last week?--Last week we visited____________A.a friend of my uncle'sB.uncle'sC.a friend of my uncleD.uncle's a friend选那个?为什么? 怎么判断可数名词不可数名词,简单好懂点, 分别初一可数名词和不可数名词soda,tomato,pizza,juice,cheese,olive,onion,milk,tea,salad,green pepper 这是什么蝴蝶?学名叫什么?有木有毒? 毛毛虫有毒吗?有没有依据? 关于英语的.In pairs,talk about your favourite festival.Use the questions below to help you.In pairs,talk about your favourite festival.Use the questions below to help you.What is your favourite festival?When is the festival?How do you celebrate 初中一年级英语有这样一个题目“Work in pairs and read the words”, 现在国内可以蜜蜂授粉的蜜蜂种类都有哪些?都有什么特点?还有哪些蜜蜂适合大棚作物授粉?国内哪些地方有做蜜蜂授粉?请问国内大棚授粉做得怎么样?主要分布在什么地方? 不需要蜜蜂授粉的大棚蔬菜有哪些 为什么有人会哭,有人会笑 形容词:怎么样地敲门 求几个敲门声音形容词 咚咚...很暴力和很温柔的!2个...谢谢 求声音的形容词,比如咚咚的敲门声、哎呦哎呦的叫声之类的. what happen为什么没有助动词 Does your uncle like green?(作否定回答) 琥珀的形成得多少年? 多少年形成琥珀 琥珀的形成需要多少年 琥珀至少多长时间能形成 求英文"fuckhead"和"mindfuck"中文解释! I enjoy reading different kinds of books,but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one 的中文意思 俚语apples and 大棚西红柿养南方蜜蜂传粉好不好 有什么影响? 英语练习(初一的) 选择题: 1、Because I really enjoy _____ I always want____ more book. A.reading英语练习(初一的) 选择题: 1、Because I really enjoy _____ I always want____ more book. A.reading,buying B.to read,to buy C. I didn't really enjoy going out____the crowded streets A:and B:because C:but D:because of 谢谢I didn't really enjoy going out____the crowded streets A:and B:because C:but D:because of I really enjoy living in a major city because it had so much _______.A.to offerB.offeringC.to be offeredD.offered 要求得到用英语怎么说? “要求得到帮助”用英语怎么说?是ask for help还是ask for helping? 一批货物共153.6吨,用大小两种货车来运,大货车先运走这批货物的8分之3,剩下的由大小货车按5:3运走小货车运了多少吨 sleeve head roll on-his-sleeve 的中文意思是什么呀?原句是这样的:it's hard to imagine a Jack without an on-his-sleeve ego.