
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:41:02
there were no more mountains in sight.为什么用were 不用was既然前方再也没有山了,应该there was no more mountain in sight为什么用复数呢? There were more than 10 passengers ___in the air crash...There were more than 10 passengers ___in the air crash last week...A.killing B.killed C.were D.being killed这道题选B.有人可以解释一下为何选B吗 日的拼音? 英语作文My class mate 和Ahappy day in Spring Festival 数十年如一日的拼音是 英语作文“My Spring Festival”谁会写?最好带翻译的,不要太长,短一点的就行了!谢谢! 10月1日英语拼写 天字上面一个日 求拼音 An increasing number of people是“ 大量剧增的人”这个意思吗?后面一定用复数吗? an increasing number of用法 there is an increasing number of people 可不可以直接 写成there is an increasing people? With the advent of the era of knowledge economy,time is treasured by an increasing number of people 求一首英文歌,高潮的歌词有一句是“i love you i trust you” take our daughters to work day是美国的什么节日 Cara Lang is 13.She lives in Boston,Massachusetts,in me U.S.Last Thursday,she didn't go to school.She went to work with her father instead.Every year,on the fourth Thursday in April,millions of young girls go work.This is Take Our Daughters to Work D Take Our Our Daughts to Work Day was ( )to Britain in 1994 from America请问括号内填taken还是brought? To learn a foreign language is------in our work.(help) It\'s salled Take Our Daughters to Work please a und ball look my have come soccer at这些单词怎么连成一句话? 出手相助吧!我想考东外!可能会考到出手相助吧!我想考东外!可能会考到难的看不懂! us,go,let,and,a,have,look(.)怎样连成一句话? more and more 后跟形容词,原级还是比较级啊?more and more 后跟的形容词,用原级还是比较级啊?more and more 后面可以跟名词,也可以跟形容词,见过后面跟加 er的比较级的,能跟原级不?more and more beautiful more and more+原级 和 比较级+比较级有什么不同?RT,碰见道题就是考这个的小弟在这先谢拉^_^ more and more后面是加形容词比较级还是原级? 英语作文A busy day要求:6句话,不少于3种句型. it was a busy morning about8:30这是一篇完形填空 求四川地震的英文报道!越近期的越好,也可以是哪个国家领导人或者国际名人的英文讲话,比如那天布什去大使馆哀悼的英文报道和她当时的讲话.急, 四川地震事件英语报道 英语的新闻报道怎么写 评论的英文单词怎么写 英语报告怎么写老师让我们写一个关于食品安全的英语报告.3个人共同完成.我想以皮鞋酸奶的时间来写这篇报告.但是不知道如何分配才能让3个人都有内容讲.现在是一头雾水 明天就要交任务 come and have look at the leaves 哪里错了come have look at 这4个单词哪个用错了