
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:46:58
七年级五班学生上体育课集合排成若干行,若每行8人,则多2人;若每行9人,则有一行差5,则这个班共有学生多少人 有一些人,如果每行8人则有一行少2人,如果每行9人则有一行少7人,一共排几行一共几人方法越多,分越多 有一队学生(200人以内)如果每9人排成一列最后余下4人如果每7人排成一列最后余下三人这对学生最多有多少人最少有多少人怎么列式子? 精液中有细胞吗 新概念作文 我的爱情观 什么是scale up和scale out 蛙的冬眠是动物行为吗? 生活在热带地区的蛙主要有哪几种?按照当地气候它们不需要冬眠的时候它们在干嘛?详情如题\x09拜托各位了 3Q 草木丛生的样子的成语!“草木丛生的样子”!紧急! 形容矮小而丛生的木本植物的成语有哪些?急用 都说付出了,总有回报 你们相信这句话吗 一道英语作业What principles do you think a school should operate on? Tips (提示):Guide the students to __________________.Teach the students to__________________.Stimulate the students to_______________.Encourage students to _______________ 为义孰为大务中的通假字 The boy collects a lot of butterflies every year.改为被动语态, I’m___a list of things to buyA.doing B.making C.having 填哪个?为什么?我觉得填入三个都有不同的意思嘛!I’m doing a list of things to buy.我正在做一个购物清单I’m making a list of things to buy 我要买的东西列一 Being a volunteer is great!Have you ever been a volunteer?If yes,What have you done?1.I have2.i have3.I haveIf no,what would you like to do?1.I would like to2.I would like to3.I would like to amusing(ed) confusing(ed) exhausting(ed) annoying(ed) disgusting(ed) interesting(ed)boring(ed) exciting(ed) 填词ind 还是ed!I’ve got nothing to do,I'm__________.The teacher's explanation was________.Most of the studen's didn 1.write the missing words in the gaps1.Steve was late___work.2.Steve landed_____the road when the bus hit him.3.He had to stay____hospital_____a few days ,but he was _____good hands there.4.Steve had time to think_____his future.5.He wants to go____t 初中英语作业求解答!change, contact, look, phone, spend, travel.She stopped ______at a poster and missend the train.Do you remember______alone for the first time.I'll never forget_____three weeks in the rainforestHe tired_____his hair co 初中英语作业求告诉解答!I don‘t like swimming______the winter.I always feel tired _____ the afternoon.Jake’s talking his driving test____ 23 MARCH.My brother got married____2008.This street's very dark_____night.I'm babysiting____tomorr complete these sentences.B.A______is a king of bat.c.In snowfering thet use a king of______with sail.d.In curling,they use special_____and________e.Bossaball players always______shorts and they usually play in the ______. Shall we p______the flowers in the glass根据句意和首字母提示,完成句子 Should you see flowers in bloom,you would see smiles at a lover of beauty. 孙泰,山阳人也,少师皇甫颖, 荪泰,山阳人,少师皇甫颖,操守颇有古贤之风 孙泰者,山阳人也 或诘什么意思孙泰者,山阳人也,少师皇甫颖,操守颇有古贤之风.泰妻即姨妹也.先是姨老矣,以二子为托,曰:“其长损一目,汝可娶其女弟.”姨卒,泰娶其姊.或诘之,泰曰: “其 句型:We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.为什么buy前用了not,而不是don‘t ,made用过去式? 杜牧的遣怀是什么? we must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory 博物馆展出了一个高为19.6cm的秦代兵马俑模型,它的高度与实际高度的比是1:10.这个将军俑的实际高度是多少 求2题有关杜牧《遣怀》的诗词习题如题遣 怀 杜牧 落魄江湖载酒行,楚腰纤细掌中轻.十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名.能否针对"诗词鉴赏"方面提出问题? 博物馆展出了一个高位19cm,的秦代将军俑模型它的高度与实际高度的比是1:10这个将军俑的实际高度是多少