
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:46:41
妈妈,我想对你说:我爱你(要有具体事例)急,最好600字 “世上最伟大的爱是母爱.”你在生活中也一定深深地体会到了母亲对自己无微不至的爱,请写出一个事例,与大家分享.20字左右.谢谢.快点回答我.拜托. 要有题目、作者、朝代,最好有翻译 关于"我想对妈妈说的话"的文章快说! 甲乙两个有存粮8:7,如果从甲仓库运走4分之一,乙仓库运进2.4吨,则甲乙两仓库比是30:37 一~六年级上下册语文古诗词 1工地上有一堆圆锥形三合土,底面周长37.68厘米,高5米,把这些三合土在宽15.7米的路面上铺4厘米厚,可铺多少米?2、用铁皮制作2个圆柱形水桶,(无盖),底面直径为12厘米,高为35厘米,.(1)制作 寻一首歌名,词是:"噢嘞 噢嘞噢嘞噢嘞 噢嘞 噢嘞噢嘞噢嘞"好像是足球杯上的一首曲子, there is a little girl sitting beside the window 同义句 轻轻地抱住母亲 填空;Look the little girl is sitting on the __________填入一个_ _ o o _的五字母单词! 运动会的感受最好250字~300字之间 朝花夕拾阅读感受250字记住,是250字,不能太多,少点还是可以的 Look!The little girl ____Rose is _____ her mother on the phone.(call) 大桶水是小桶水的1.5倍,若从大桶水中取出1.5千克放入小桶,则大小桶重量相等,问大小两桶原来各有多重? When I___the garden,it___to rain.A.watered,began B.was watering,began C.watered,was beginning D.was watering,was beginning 另外3个为什么不能选也要说明 They ____ (water) flowers when I got to the garden. -------when did it begin to rain?------It started____the night-------when did it begin to rain?------It started____the night A.during B.by C.from D.at请问为什么不选from而选during呢? 1.Mary_______in the garden when it began to rain.1.Mary_______in the garden when it began to rain.A.was walking B.walkedC.walking D.had walk2.English___________in a new way at my college in the past few years.A.has been teaching B.was When I woke up,it ____(begin)to rain 孩子学说话,教她西瓜说瓜西,葡萄说萄葡,咋回事~半年多了~ The little girl is very happy when her mather is with her.(always)怎么加进去 The little girl (be) very happy when she (see)her mother. the little girl was very s___ and hid behid her mother when the visitors came the little girl is very ( ) about her new roomsA excite B exciting C excited D excitement 在括号里里填上适当的冠词!The little girl is very happy,( )flower on ( ) head. 有谁知道Who Will Stop The Rain这首歌?/ 几年前听过的歌,好经典.不知道是哪个乐队的了,只记得歌名.开头一句歌词是 long as i remember the rain been coming down...哪位兄弟知道的烦请告知.谢啦. 一辆小车有几根皮带 母亲桥阅读文章表现的是一种什么情感? 母亲桥 看阅读回答问题那年初春的一个早晨,当我起床时,已经来不及从从容容地走大路上学,我气急败坏地抄近道赶往学校.河上的冰看上去还没融化,我三步并作两步冲上冰面.刚刚走到河中央 对画线部分提问 The students are (under the tree).The little girl is talking to (her mother).He often goes to school (by bus) 36.The little girl___ her mother____dress her.A.prefer.toB.prefers.toC.like.../D.likes.../