
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:52:29
我有许多爱好,像打篮球,跑步和游泳(like)英语是什么? 你会打篮球吗?你会跑步吗?你会跳远吗?你会游泳吗?翻译成英文 玩具用英语怎么读? 我有许多喜欢的运动,比如游泳、跑步、唱歌.(翻译英语) (我最喜欢的运动是游泳)翻译为英文 我喜欢运动,尤其是跑步而且我每天早晨都跑步 用英语怎么写 努力赚钱 英语怎么讲钱没有了可以正~老婆没了怎么办 英语翻译总之,游泳是一项对身体有很大好处的体育锻炼我们应该要多参加.一般说来我都是暑假去游泳的,每次有用时间都不会超过2-3小时,每隔半小时我都会休息一下.再下水前都会做好准备 她喜欢的运动是跑步,打网球和游泳 翻译 请您翻译:我最喜欢跑步,它是我最爱的运动. 英语题目(根据句意,用所给词适当形式填空)There ___________________________(be) a birthday party tomorrow.Tom and Jim _____________________(work) in the park next Sunday.We _______________________________(meet) Sally tomorrow morning.L 英语(根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空.)准确1.I know Kate has a sister.But I don't Know_____name.(she)2._____Mary's friends_____her a new bag?(give)3.—Whose dresses are these?Are they_____,Lucy?(your)4.Jim's shoes are too old,s 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空1.The woman _____the letter and put it in her pocket before she let the boy in.(fold)2.I think Kathy is the _____of the two girls.(gentle) 嫦娥三号会登月么? We usually stay ( ) home ( )saturday morning.A.at```in B.at```on C.in```at说明理由, We _ 4__ at home and __5__ in the morning.4.A.play B.go C.stay D.come5.A.play B.playing C.to play D.plays 英语:第一题:根据句意用所给词的正确形式填空.today we have a ___. she likes to ____china.[visitor]__[be] you from ___[japanese]?jim's mother ___[like] ___[write] stories about her friends.today we have a ___. she likes to ____ch we usually_school at 7:30 in the morning and _home after school at 4:30in the afternoon. _a.get,goet b.get to ,get to c.get to ,get d.get, get to选择题?要说明理由 .谢谢. __Jack finish __(clean)the house this morning?Yse,he said. 英语翻译national holiday是什么意思 翻译:national dresses 英语翻译The idea of studying animal personalities has experienced a bit of a boom in the last decade,countering the prevailing tendency by animal researchers to treat individual variation in animals as statistical noise. chant national和hymne national在翻译上有何差别? 翻译National Aquatics Center 回文诗的赏析开篷一棹远溪流,走上烟花踏径游.来客仙亭闲伴鹤,泛舟渔浦满飞鸥.台映碧泉寒井冷,月明孤寺古林幽.回望四山观落日,偎林傍水绿悠悠.请赏析 最后,他们步行到了山顶.英文翻译 英语翻译They()got()the()()the hill. 将下面14字组成一首绝句,要求不增减一字.恰好四句,构成回文.然后用自己的话说说这首诗的意思.赏花归去马如飞酒力微醒时已暮 at home in the yard这里面的 at 和 in 可不可以掉过来用?he is at home in the yard 那这句话可以帮忙分析一下,句子的成分吗?he is home in bed 中home 是什么词性呢?刚弄英语不是特别懂。请指教了。 英语翻译增加保护层厚度型钢的混凝土,在型钢表面设置栓钉,型钢与周边混凝土的共同工作,箍筋锚固于栓钉形成的钢骨约束区内,避免在钢骨上设置大量的钢筋孔; 你很漂亮英语怎么说huo RT,贱huo英语怎么说