
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 22:53:00
0.75x+6=2x-15 0.75x+6=2x-15怎么解 1/1、2/1、1/2、3/1、2/2、1/3、4/1、3/2、2/3、4/1.分数93/19在这列数中的 一列数1/1,2/1,1/2,3/1,2/2,1/3,4/1,3/2,2/3,1/4……中,20/19在第几个? 规律是什么? 这个是什么原理? 9分之7x一0•75x=1•5 修改英语病句 I think his old bike is wrong.She is often stay at home.Not put your ball on the table.Please you open your books.A bird is singing on that tree.This's my teacher. 修改英文病句(很简单)!1,We must study are growing up slowly.我们总要学着慢慢长大/我们必须学着慢慢长大2,time is never for no one.时间从不为任何人所停留/光阴不待人----------------------------------------- 改病句(英语)急啊,The cost of living is expensive in big cities.Do you know else anyone in our class? 什么叫整数除法 在整数除法里,如果被除数除以除数,所得的商都是( )而没有( ),就说被除数是除数的( ),除数是被除数的( ). 星星不是发光体全集不要紫的博客,我去看过没有.我是从8开始没有买的书, 星星不是发光体大结局要全文,只要大结局全文,不是总体全文哦 请专业人士帮我修改下这篇英语作文作文,我需要的是增加语法!和改病句.一定要改正所有的错误并且流畅We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear. In the forest, when a bear attacked them, the thinner 只有电压表电源开关已知电阻R0,最大阻值为R0的滑动变阻器,导线若干,测未知电阻R0.测额定电压为Ue的灯泡的额定电功率Pe.要求画出电路图,写出最后计算式.急需答案,谢谢! 库页岛是哪个国家的领土 那位高手可以帮我修改一下这段英文,这是我自己写的,只要修改语法和病句就行了,改得好我会追加分数的!When we speak of Dunhuang,I think many people must look forward to going there.This historical city is not only can you make a uniform for me? 做肯定和否定回答 她慈祥的眼神平静地望着我,像深深的潭水.我从她的眼神里读出了 照管 粗壮的规律是什么呢? 英语作文修改,只改病句Look,this is my friend——Jim.He comes from the USA.We all like PE and be good at PE.But he jumps farther than me.My English is better than him. 成熟的反意词是?和新鲜的反意词是? 单调,成熟的反意词单调的反义词成熟的反义词 根据短文内容填上所给开头字母填写所缺单词the f—— one is about drinking.you can not buy alcohol in zhe country./ U____ crossings for walking when you cross the road 以'微笑”为话题能写哪些题目 一道初四英语题同义句转换I think that is important to master a foreign language.=I think _____ _____ _____ _____ a foreign language. he make a rule for the students to think in english.为什么用to think 如何去微笑啊!如题 怎么样去微笑去面对,去面队任何事情. 证明:f(x)=1-(1/x)在负无穷到零中为增函数 济南哪里可以买到粗盐?做化学实验用的. 济南哪有卖烧杯烧瓶的?