
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 00:34:03
this are my family错在那呢?(⊙o⊙)? My family are going on a p_____ this SundayThey are going to t____ the world.Do you enjoy l_____ on the beach?My family are going on a p____ this Sunday.He has two d____.One is a doctor,the other is a nurse. did you have a good time in san francisco 风铃 WIND BELLS怎么样 ——————朝天阙 bells什么意思 知1句歌词怎么查歌名each every day every night every week NONO That’s not the way it’s gonna beeach every day every night every week NONO That’s not the way it’s gonna be He didn't come b----- of bad weather are this horses那里错了 who are not this 和who are not be this 哪个语法是错的? 以“一棵小草长在大树下”为背景,写一则寓言 以“大树与小草的对话”为题写一段富有哲理的寓言对话一定要富有哲理 人五官中的哪个器官不随人的年龄生长 grab a cheek 是什么意思同上 黄梅戏《孔雀东南飞》中唱词是:十三能织素,浣洗溪水边,十四学裁衣,待替家人穿.谁有地址啊 ? make a seat 在6点要答案 grab啥意思 grab是什么 grab的现在进行时 英语翻译我说把这句话翻译成英文 请高手化简以下整式(要过程)原式:-3xy-(-4xy+2x²-6y)+[-2(yx-x²+y)] 是in the word "use" 还是in the word of "use" parents who stay actively-----with their children,showing interest in their activities and---when possible ,earn the respect and appreciation of their children.A involving,participating B involving,participated C to involve,to participate Dinvolved,p 求Emma Stevens - A Place Called You的英文歌词. 伴随着 英语怎么说 英语 伴随 伴随里有没有 being done 如果有,那它和 done 有什么区别? 那我能伴随你永远的英语怎么说 He is too fat because of too much sandwiches and hamburgers.为什么要用too much "伴随"的英文怎么写? Henry needs ( ) after dinner because he is too fat. 下面Michael is -- because he never takes any exerciseA.under condition B.on no condition C.in condition D.out of condition 书在你眼中是什么