
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:29:32
云是白色的,而彩虹是五颜六色的,可是晚霞为什么一般是红色的呢? 大学遗传学习题问题,关于基因连锁与交换,相引组和相斥组.在玉米中,非甜性为甜性的显性、有稃为无稃的显性,其交换率为36%.请问F2相引组和相斥组的分离比例各出现多少? 基因遗传学问题为什么通过摩尔根的实验 就可以证明基因位于染色体上? 查基因遗传学咱国家哪家医院是权威?有知道的请告知. 学而时习之的习字指的是预习还是复习? 学而时习之 之的意思 学而时习之是什么意思? it is ten years since he worked here为什么既指他已经在这工作十年了,又指他不在这工作已经十年了不要说没这两种说法,有是有,但我想知道为什么,不明白的人不要误导 学而时习之,之的意思贫人见之,之的意思见其发矢十中八九,但微颔之,之的意思誉之曰:“吾盾之坚,物莫能陷也”之的意思快就今晚! 如何用成语来描述最大的手,最长的脚,最高的瀑布? last night 能与过去进行时连用吗还是只能和一般过去式连用?请举个例子 如何判断用过去进行 还是一般过去式 成语 最大的手 嘴长的脚 最大的手术 最干净的地方 落差最大的瀑布填写成语 I washed clothes last weekend看答句,写问句. 用过去进行时,写你昨晚做了什么,题目是last night come on in. I beiieve in you.Come on 是啥意思? 习以为常的意思 习以为常什么意思简洁又完整 习以为常是什么意思? "英语习字"是什么意思? Lucy washed her clothes last night.(改成否定句)Lucy washed her clothes last night.(改成否定句)Lucy ( )( ) her clothes last night. tigerfemale:He didn't want anybody to know------ A where to find him B where to be fonud问:两个都对还是只有一个对? 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 The pland\e landed at the airport ( )( safe) at last .The people用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.The pland\e landed at the airport ( )( safe) at last2..The people were so ( )( excite ) that at last the day of graduation arrived.这句话at last the day 是什么意思?为什么arrived是过去式态? I invite my c______to come to the party. I'll invite Gina to my party.What if she____(not come)? come on come in 的区别 come in/come onWhen the chance come ------,you should take it The little boy didn't know where he could buy an English dictionary.= The little boyThe little boy didn't know where he could buy an English dictionary.= The little boy didn't know _______. Cathie didn't know(where could we buy the tickets/what was he waiting for)因该选哪个 去火车站怎么走英语怎么说? 你的爷爷怎么去火车站用英语怎么说