
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:20:15
when the old man found many people were gathering on the road,he walked up and looked forward tosee what_.A is happening Bhappened Cwould happen D had happened原因说明 In our school,a large (n )of boys ride their bikes to school谁知道啊 求 敏欣 同谐音的英文名,广州话的 敏欣 谐音也行有些不懂读 敏彤 英文名 谐音 人类历史上的四种婚姻形态中哪种最符合现代婚姻的特点,试述理由. 人类的婚姻家庭制度经历了哪三个阶段 自人类产生以来,其经历的婚姻家庭制度及其顺序是 Li Jun got on the train and found his seat _____ it.A in front of B below C beside D at the front of When is your geography class? ------It is _______When is your geography class?------It is _______Monday and FridayA.at B.on C.in D.for school,sometimes,go,by,car,i,to帮我组成一句话school,sometimes,go,by,car,l,to写错了 sometimes I go to school by car 的同义句___ ___ I go to school in a car括号中应填什么 I always go to school in my own car 的同义句转换 I go to school bu car.的同义句今晚9点十分回答我,拜托!快一点,明天要交作业。还有 中国现在有几个直辖市综合实力第一和倒数第一的是哪两个,一共几个直辖市 幽径悲剧六院前的和红二三楼之间的那两棵著名的古藤,被坚决、彻底、干净、全部地消灭掉.是否也被踏上一千只脚,没有调查研究,不敢瞎说;永世不得翻身,则是铁一般的事实了. 上文中的“ 2012年5月1日放几天假 幽径悲剧重点四字词语 中国现在有几个直辖市 是哪几个 我国有几个直辖市 英语翻译想要like a song 的中文词谢 "I like an English teacher"帮帮忙!请问这句话中的an怎么翻译:“一个”还是“一类”.为什么? 幽径悲剧阅读题从此以后,我最爱的这一条幽径,我真有点怕走了。我不敢再看那一段悬在空中的古藤枯干,它真像吊死鬼一般,让我毛骨悚然。非走不行的时候,我就紧闭双眼,疾趋而过 去年获得诺贝尔奖的华裔科学家是 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨在文中起什么作用?有什么深刻的含义? 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨 的意思 BOOBS,SOME,EVERY,READ,I,WEEKEND怎么连词成句 Christrnas Day is a very important festival in the w___________countries. “斯是陋室, “斯是陋室惟吾德馨”的含义是什么? If you like reading and want ( ),you may buy some books.A.for a persent B.as a persent C.for persents D.as presents 英语填空:can i you.yes,i'd some books.do you want,please?five.heve you are.is all?.and a dictionary,please.ko.are they?let me .twenty yuan,please.here you are..goodbye.can i______________ you.yes,i'd__________ some books.__________ do you want, 一道托福阅读题:momentous 这里为什么不能选very positive呢?答案是very important.虽然momentous的本意是very important,但是文中有一个however,与之前的坏影响相反;而且后面讲的是这种变化使原本人口