
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 14:14:40
They were had a good weekend.这句话有错吗 they were good friends 改为一般疑问 how good boys they were 这句话对吗 好词好句摘抄,要短一些的噢好的词(成语),和好的句子(名人名言或好的段落) 红楼梦中的刘姥姥是一个怎样的人(为人) 感恩家人作文急 红楼梦中的可爱人物---刘姥姥有些人物,大家都讨论过了,但我还是最喜欢刘姥姥,开始她很穷.连个下人都比不上,年龄一大把了.她却成了别人的开心果.大家都取笑她,但她却笑了.她人很开朗, 我最爱的亲人 作文今天老师突发神经,要偶们写这样一篇作文,明天就交=V=.请各位发篇范文给偶,让偶知道怎么写 V.全文最重要的是亲情 W.V.好的话,偶会加悬赏滴.可以不要事件滴,对ME来说没有 英语翻译 翻译The places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Afric I am gald to learn that you need a few more part-time English reporters中“gald"是什么意思 I am 【glad】 to learn that you need a few more part-time English reporters 为什么要加 a few? 你需要在英语上多花点时间 You need ___ ___more time on English I need to spend more time ____ (study) English.用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.3分钟之内答完加悬赏! _____ (learn) English well,you need to spend more time remembering words.The trees with orange _____(leaf) looks very nice in the sun.Looking at the butterflies/butterflies.要不要加the? 歧路亡羊 (全文\译文\注解) 在乘积式(x^2+ax+b)(2x^2+3x-2)中,不含x^2和x项,试求a与b的值.要详细过程。 设3x的2次方+ax+b与2x的2次方-4x+5的乘积不含x的三次方与x项'求a'b的值 They can play table tennis.(划线提问) play table tennis We cam play table tennis.(改为一般疑问句)教教我吧 what can they( they can play ( )table tennis.a do b play ; the c do;the 天然形成的自然景区有哪些地方?那个比较好? 有哪些遭人为破坏的自然景区具体介绍 苏州园林课文中作比较、举例子、打比方、摹状貌、分类别的句子各找两句. 歧路亡羊告诉我们一个什么道理? 歧路亡羊的故事告诉了我们什么道理? 红楼梦中刘姥姥哪几回登场?请问哪几回中有登场或者提及的? The girl can play the piano well一般疑问句 kate wants to join the music club.将music提问; They can play volleyball well改为否定句 They want to join the sports club.改为一般疑问句 They can play the violin.(改成一般疑问句) Can them play the violin?为什么? 歧路亡羊的寓意可以是体会