
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:12:15
一篇350字以上的初中作文随便什么题材, 小作文:美在身边 只要350字要有排比句和细节描写只要350字,多了不要 People will live to be 200 years old.句子为什么时态啊?to 后面为什么跟be啊 ?十分感谢,帮帮忙吧 will people live to be 200 years old? 用正确词语形式填空1,china is developing_________(quick)than ever before2,I could understand what the foreigner said when he spoke________(slow)and clearly3,by the year2010,the world's population will be much_______(large)then today's4,the bo 只要第5题, 人生哲学,名人名句? 1.I want to buy----aictionary---you bought yesterday,that b.such,as c.such which,which2.Marie,----mother died early had expected a.who b.that c.whom d.whose3.Has everything----can be done ---donea./,/ b./,been cthat,been d.that ,be4.Helen t 哲学伟人有哪些 I don't buy kitty the same present__Amy did.I want to buy ___.A as,something different B like,something different C as,different something D like,different something 这几个字怎么打 . 这几个字怎么打出来? If we don't take action to control the population growth,people will have n____ live in the future 1.julia is looking for a place to live in .she __ with her sister unti she finds somewhere.A/ is staying B/stay C/stayed Dhas stayed 选哪个?为什么?我首先觉得是选B但是觉得D也可以~好纠结2.what's the matter with your phone?it __ r [讨论]老庄哲学对人生有哪些裨益?老庄哲学之于我们的人生,有哪些裨益?敬请聆听各位高见!恩,平时只知片言只语不知哪位高台能够简要系统罗列老庄的思想或观点,以飨我等愚辈! 用括号内动词的正确形式填空last weekend I ___ (go) to with my friends.It ___ (be) a sunny day.We ___ (take)a bus there.On the way we ___ (talk) and ___ (laugh) happily.We really ___ (feel) excited.In the zoo we ___ (see) many animal,inc 能告诉我这几个字怎么打么- -.这丫名字 咋个子打 没有参加社团用英语怎么说?What club are you in?我没参加社团要怎么回答? 哲学与美好生活有什么关系 怎么把这几个字打出来谁把这几个字打的出来,并告诉我怎么打的,急! 把这几个字打出来 这几个字谁能打出来? She had beautiful black long ( ) but I could see some white ( );hair B.hairs;hairs;hairs D.hairs;hair后面的hair可数是因为什么? 教我两题初中英语 9和10 问大家一个IQ题:天有多大?(提示:人生...哲学.)别用逻辑的方式去想,用你们的内涵,智慧去回答. 我要些经典的佛经语句不要太长,多些“品种”, 佛经中经典的句子让人看了心情豁然开朗的句子. 推荐几句佛经中劝人们不要生气的经典语句 佛经关于爱情的句子 I've seen the same film ________ you saw yesterday.A.that B.which 选什么?为什么不选as 而选that 我想知道日本字怎么打出来. “总” 日本字怎么打?