
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:00:19
道路的横向坡度与超高横坡度、纵向坡度与超高纵坡度一样吗? 现在修一条混凝土道路,要求路基为页岩,上面为20cm混凝土,原来道路页岩上皮基准点为0.25m.将要施工道路平均标高为1.271m.将要铺页岩厚度为1.02m.要求道路坡度为5%.道路长为216m.求铺设页岩体积 15平方厘米等于( )平方分米 有路拱标高还有横断面坡度能否算出两侧标高?(一)打个比方就是说,比如路拱高程2.314米,左横坡度2%,左幅宽度6米。右横坡度3%,右幅宽度8米。能否算出左右边桩高程?(二)还有就是中 设计高程不一样有坡度的比如道路工程,横断面计算方量设计高程如何设置呢? 在cad中怎么画道路横断面的坡度?坡度1%,水平距离是7.5 二进制补码的计算求X=+1010 Y=-1010的原码和补码结果:X原=01010 Y原=11010X补=1010 Y补=10110我现在就是Y的补码求不明白;将Y去符号位得:010按位取反得:101加1得:110与符号位合并:1110上面的结果 下列各数均为十进制数,请用8位二进制补码计算下列各题,并用是十六进制数表示其运算结果.(1)(―85)+76 (2)85+(―76) 请写出做题过程, 除了动物和植物.地球上还有另外的物种吗身体构造最完美的动物是~~ 用8位二进制补码计算-29-25 有介于动物和植物之间的物种吗? 英语翻译However,based on the ANOVA results shown in TABLE 12 and TABLE 13,which took into account the variability of the SCB test,there was no statistical difference in the means of the fracture toughness data (p-value = 0.729 and 0.154) at a 5 p 建筑工程专业英语翻译,着急!OH- ion concentrations in the pore solution were determined by directtitration against nitric acid using phenolphthalein indicator. The pH valuesof the pore solution were calculated from the measured hydroxyl ion 用二进制补码计算的问题用二进制计算下列格式 -5+15由于-5+15=10 英语翻译prestressed concrete mild-steel bars are used in ordinary reinforced concrete beams to overcome the tensile weakness of concrete.another way of overcoming the weakness is by prestressing the contrete so as to induce in its conpression str 二进制运算为什么要用补码进行运算? 英语翻译Time to initiation of corrosion and subsequent corrosion rates of steelreinforcement in plain and microsilica-blended concretes were determinedon prismatic 100 x 62.5 x 300 mm (4 • 2.5 x 12 in.) specimens containinga 12.5 mm (1/2 in 下列各数均为十进制数,请用8位二进制补码计算下列各题,并用是十六进制数表示其运算结果(1)(―85)+76 (2)85+(―76) 请写出做题过程避免垃圾人物刷分说到做到 建筑工程专业英语翻译 求高手!Corrosion Initiation TimeFig. 3 shows the half-cell potential measurement records of 14% C3Aplain cement concrete along with the 10% and 20% microsilica-blendedcement concretes. The specimens were partially im 一道政治题:某校组织学生调查本地区的植物、动物物种及其生存状况,观察每个物种及每个生命个体的独特性 英语翻译For structures that require flexural strength for resistance to bending mo-ments,reinforcing steel--rebar--is embedded in the concrete.In some cases,tensioned cables are placed in the concrete to make prestressed or post-tensionedconcrete 英语翻译level 1 floor planlevel 3.5M planlevel 7.0M planelevation rightelevation frontelevation backelevation leftsite layout planmaster planning 英语翻译Concrete is a mixture that contains cement,sand,gravel,water,and usu-ally additives.The cement is the material that causes the other ingredients to ad-here to one another.The water is needed to cause the cement to hydrate.Con-crete does n 英语翻译Concrete is characterized by strong compressive strength,but is relatively weak in tension and shear.It can support large axial loads,and is used extensively in the foundations of large structures such as bridges and tall buildings.but it 英语翻译建筑类 英语翻译工具建筑类 英语翻译工具建筑类 英语翻译工具建筑类 英语翻译工具 电路模电:求a点电压: 一个自然数加上98是一个自然数的平方,加上166是另一个数的平方,求这个自然数. 动物的行为对种族繁衍的意义 动物的觅食、防御的行为对动物的生存和种群繁衍有什么积极意义在线等 懂模电的来,一个很简单的电路图通电后小喇叭为啥会响啊,是不是啥震荡电路啊 路基横坡怎么计算的?横坡计算公式是? 公路中横坡应如何计算?