
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:53:17
收支平衡,量入为出是make both ends meet还是make both ends need "祝您在新的一年里身体健康,事业兴旺"英文怎么说? 请问:祝你事业蒸蒸日上的英语怎么写 We play soccer 改为祈使句 我们放学后和朋友一起在学校踢足球 We play soccer at school -- -- -- -- school What do you do and say when you meet someone for the first time?要用英文回答!How important are the first two or three minutes of these opening contacts? 信的格式怎么写 他经常和他的朋友们去踢足球 he( )( )( )play football with his friends.中间填什么呀 does she like play football?改错 __ does Jim play football? He plays football in the afternoon .空格应填什么? What will you do?Where will you meet?When will you meet? 踢足球能说play soccer ball吗? 我不打篮球,我踢足球.———— ————playing basketball,I play football 英语翻译Not so much a mental trick,as a realization of what you’re very lucky to have,despite this tough timeyou’re going through.谢谢(大意即可)! 英语翻译在这次考察中我受益匪浅,不但了解中国文化民俗的风情其中的活动与参观中更令我对中国文化民俗更加感兴趣,在参观中不少的情景令我想起我在乡下的生活,各式各样的民族小吃也 求英文翻译.感想类的!急!当我们还只是小孩子时,我们都渴望快点长大,离开家,去看看外面的世界到底长什么样.终于有一天,我们长大了,我们兴奋的想快一点独自去闯荡,却忽略了正在为我们收 翻译一段英文读后感Romeo and Juliet" is a comedy factors with the tragedy, reflecting the characteristics of Shakespeare's early creativity, His Romeo and Juliet love, full of humanism of the Renaissance romance, Shakespeare is relatively uni 完成时要用延续性动词,那么如何把瞬间动词改成延续动词 英语现在完成时的持续性动词的用法为什么是要用持续性动词?在哪里要用? 完成时的动词一定是持续性动词吗?比如说He has died.这个句子对吗? When the black bear come,what does Jack do?这句话用英语两种方式回答 what does jack want to do when he grows up? what does jack do when many children run away 大家晚上好英文的英文,是:“大家晚上好”,没其他,求英文翻译. 英语翻译英文翻译:大家晚上好,我叫陈.在全球通大酒店任房务部秘书.大家要是来住房的话,我可以给你们最优惠的价格.欢迎你们来我们酒店! 熬夜的朋友们晚上好英语翻译 网友们晚上好,请问“瑞典人”的英文翻译是什么? 我需要你的心英文怎么写 英语 心 怎么拼 英文的“是你的心”该怎么拼 和你的心用英语怎么拼 找这首英文歌.我有歌词,女生唱的.everyone falls in love sometimes i don't know about you找英文歌.女生唱的.everyone falls in love sometimes i don't know about you