
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:54:43
Sally is( taking to her parents on the phone) on the great wall 对发括号提问 一首儿童生活的古诗 一首儿童诗歌要现代创作的哦!快 如果古埃及文明延续到现在会怎样? 古埃及文明 Where is Sam?He------ for Japan 为什么是has left 单词picture怎么读 picture这个单词的意思是什么 photo同义词是什么? Does she eat junk food very often? Then how do you know he is happy?急用! how often do you eat junk food?怎么答题啊只要英语和中文 Do You Often Eat Junk Food?Do You Often Eat Junk Food?结合自己的饮食情况 对吃(或不吃)垃圾食品进行介绍,并适当谈谈自己对垃圾食品的看法和态度. Well,do not know how the future will be,but not happy or sads 古代埃及为什么要创造狮身人面兽 古代埃及为什么用创造狮身人面兽 造句``速度用`` 酝酿 呼朋引伴 宛转 应和 嘹亮 烘托 滋润 中选择5个词造句``1小时来``多给分```谢谢明天要交 第一部太阳历史是古代埃及人发明的吗?只要说是或者不是 短语中文及造句 这几个词组造句一个词组两句, 这个句子里面的短语!并造句!中文Liu xiang,who has had to overcome many difficulties in life ,is loved and respected by everyone in china是要找短语 Keep the machine _______,and you will know how it works.套用了什么用法?是to run 还是 running she often eats fruits and vegetable 画线提问(画的是often) 英语填空we gather and eat delicious food d( )the festivals in china 用下面两个短语分别造句.knock at(现在进行时)be lost (一般现在时) My parents often tell me not to eat___junk food.A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too要说明为什么要选这个答案. Ten how do you know he is happy?翻译过来是什么 then how do u get to know Sina Microblog.翻译 女人等男人的诗句就像此刻我仍然在等他回来,其实我可以不等,但是我知道就算睡着我也会睁着眼睛等他的,性格如此吧. 汉译英 那里的食物美味又便宜The food there is__delicious__cheap.汉译英 老公老婆用什么名词可以代替可以是自己发明的词语!别人表面是看不出来的哈! 中考英语.can find it in the Fifth market ---------the food is delicious and cheapthat.Which.Where.选什么呀