
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 09:32:59
高一英语必修2 stop smoking now这篇课文为什么百度不到啊?求翻译 一道物理题,质量为M的托盘有质量为m的物块,劲度系数k,弹簧处于原长,放手使其向下运动.对处于平衡位置的托盘加向下的力F,带稳定后松手,问F的最大值使托盘与物体不分离 汉译英在线翻译 stop smoking before smoking stops you Write a report on the seasons of your ownp .这句话的中文意思是什么?Write a report on the seasons of your town . China,which has a long history,is beatiful.和China which has a long history is beatiful.第二句是不是有问题,第二句用限制性定于从句,代表有很长历史的中国很美丽,言下之意是不止一个中国,是不是这样子的, Write a report-----your vacation.A on B in C for D at说明为什么, China is a country which has a long history.哪些是主语哪些是宾语? She tried hard to stop her husband from smoking,didn't she?—Yes.But she .A.failed B.fell C.made it D.got it 初中英语37.we tried to ___him to give up smoking ,but he didn't listen to us and kept smoking a loA influence B allow c persuade请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因 We___him to stop surfing the Internet,but he wouldn't.A.persuaded B.tried to persuaded C.suggested 赞美春天美景的作文 中国的山脉有什么特点? 我国山脉的分布我国最东的山脉是_____.我国最东一列山脉是______. there和overthere的区别she lives there 和she lives overthere 一样么,有细微差别么 热水冷冻的快还是凉水冷冻的快? his,history,he,often,Chinese(.)连词成句是has He has a good k____ of Chinese history.There should be no e______ for this serious mistake. 血迹用热水洗还是用冷水洗? 热水为什么洗不掉血迹 快来答 衣服上的血迹应该用那种水除去啊?1、热水 2、冷水 3、盐水 一片赞美祖国的美文(200字,名家写的) 化学小实验:血迹为何不能用热水洗 (_______)(_______)(_______)(_______)to celebrate with friends and family.与朋友和家庭庆祝更为重要 In Belgium friends and family greet each other with a kiss同义句快啊.In Belgium friends and family ▁ ▁ ▁ as a ▁. mc暴徒的 中国风 喊的很好 很给力 我非常想要这麦词 谁能给我一套啊 MC暴徒的麦词,知道的说下吧,要全的, MC暴徒的词怎么整的 carry away是什么意思 公司起英文名称,集思广益公司名称是汇网通达信息科技有限公司,希望大家能帮我起个和中文发音相似的英文名字注:英文名称首字母必须带“H”首位单词里含“h”,就可以了 我们家的小宝贝起个带'豪"的名字,如果有含有“豪”的英文名字就更好了~大家来集思广益 off 和away的区别最好有点英文例句,但希望不要是乱编 friends怎么读?