
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:43:40
气液增压缸漏油是否和液压油有关系 气液增压缸适用几号抗磨液压油 His brother has lunch at school(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) There's some cola in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句) 跪求初二物理常考的简答题.最好要有答案的 弹簧自复位液压缸,进出油口怎么布置?如题,一个液压缸,用弹簧自复位,是不是可以不布置回油口? 我要11道初二物理物态变化简答题,急, 我要11道初二物理物态变化简答题,急, for lunch,Sandra Clark and her friends__hamburgers,salad and pears.a 、like b、;likes would you mind would you please would you like tohow to answer the three question would you like would you mind之类句子的答语 看看 这几个中译英对不对(对了就行,不用标准)lily does not go to work on sundays.lily星期天不去上班.at 6:25 p.m傍晚6:25please write letter to tell me about your morning 请写信告诉 我 你 的早上 should like to VS would like toI should very much like to go to the party,but I have not been invited.这里的should like to与would like to是不是完全一样呢?如果主语换成he,还可不可以用should like to呢?是不是类似英国人的 should like to与would like to一样么 Would you like to go out ___ shall we stay at home.A then B and C otherwise D or选哪个?为什么 not cold or hot 不冷不热 用法对吗 男人对一个女人说:我对你绝对言听计从是什么意思 泊头鸭梨采摘后的鸭梨分装后一般放在冷库储存抑制果实的( )作用.A呼吸作用B蒸腾作用 They must drink a bottle of milk every day.变为一般疑问句 汉译英(谢绝应付)1.即使只是离开房间一小会儿,也要记得把灯关掉.(for a while,turn off)2.为什么不试试拼车?那样可以降低费用,而且会使出行显得不同(carpool,reduce,make a)3.互联网是个好东 汉译英!谢绝机译Sometimes people call each other “ scared-cat” , but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its 汉译英:他总是谢绝他人的帮助. 果园里,梨树比桃树多300颗,桃树的棵树是梨树的2/5,果园里有桃树多少棵? 果园里有梨树300棵,比桃树棵树少7分之1.果园里有桃树多少棵? 令人厌烦的用英语怎么翻译 天天上课我很厌倦用英语怎么翻译? 在梯形ABCD中,AD平行BC,三角形ABC的面积是12,三角形BOC的面积是9,求梯形ABCD的面积.(对角线AC,BD交于点O).速求, 冰箱冷藏室变冷冻室,怎么回事? This box of apples are sweet.还是This box of apples is sweet. there __a box of apples on the floor.填is or are?是不是填is根据是a box填are根据是apples?急 There____a box of apples outside the door.填is 还是are The box is full of big apples.