
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:34:32
查一些英语名言越多越好 ____of them live nearbyA.noneB.no one C.nobodyD.only one they have some comeras?(否定句)谁帮我回答,我就帮谁加分! Shall we buy some orange?(做肯定回答) 为什么?谢谢----- 英语翻译My uncle is ___ _____ ____ my dad2.尽管这对双胞胎姐妹有许多共同之处,但妹妹比姐姐更聪明____ these twin sisters have __ ___in commom,the little sisiter is ___than the elder sister. 你是我唯一值得去爱的人英文怎么说? 为什么麻雀站在电线上不会触电? 关于麻雀不会触电的疑问那是因为麻雀站在一条线上,而人就算只碰到一条线也会触电,因为脚接触地,如果脚不接触地,也就是和麻雀一样一只手碰到一根电线,其它架空,我可不想做这么危险的 麻雀站在电线上为什么不触电? 一只麻雀站在电线上(两只脚),那么它会触电吗?为什么? shall we meet at six o'clock?we had better a little later.let's __seven o'clock.a:to make it at b:to make it c:make it at d:make it Let us meet at seven o"clock at school的特殊问句 粘蝇板上的苍蝇是怎么死的 It's good for your healthy ____eat some ___(吃西红柿对你的健康有好处) It is good for your ___ ____ ___ some_____.吃西红柿对你的健康有好处 所谓的触电回路问题?所谓的触电回路,是指人体和大地 变压器接地线形成回路吧?那这条变压器接地线是不是就是我们所说的漏电保护的接地线啊?这么说这条接地线既给了我们安全也给了我 连词成句:1.meet us at let gate school the 怎么l连2.fun study it be to China would about3.countries about other I learning people love in 连词成句 meet Let's the at of gate the park . 求The Ting Tings - 里最后男声那段rap的歌词,就是背景声里那个, the ting tings的that's not my name这首歌主要表达一个什么想法?感觉跟爱情无关,想问同样喜欢这首歌的朋友你们是怎样认为的,不是说歌词翻译出来的意思,是指它要表达的歌曲内涵,有想法的朋友给 很喜欢The Ting Tings - That's not my name,求类似风格的歌 The ting tings- That's No My Name的中英文歌词(一定要有中文)лл 11.i got to the station ,only (find)____ that the train was pulling out 一个人一手拿着火线,一手拿着零线,脚不碰地,那他会触电吗还有,什么时候不会触电 会物理火线和零线关系的朋友进!1.一个人手摸火线脚砰地. 会触电吗?2.一个人.一手摸火线,一手摸零线站在木凳上.会触电吗?3.一个人手摸火线,脚站在木凳上.会触电吗?能说下理由吗?谢谢了 两只手手摸火线脚丫子挨着地会触电吗,如上题:1.脚丫子触地时不是相当于一个串联一个无穷小电阻吗,和没触地有什么区别,怎么还会触电?2.如果大地电阻无穷小,人手摸 接地线的设备外壳 she ran all the way to the station _____to miss the train.A but B just C only D as :He ran to the station only to find the train had left 这句话是不是要用倒装Only+介词短语用倒装 to do属于介词短语吗 He hurried to the station only ________ that the train had left.A.to find B.finding C.found D.to have found 英语翻译在电视上看到一段对话-Do you love her?-With all that I am,and with all that I can ever become.请问如何翻译? kate is the best of all at drawing in our class 同义句 英语翻译and I cannot believe that a republic could long subsist if the influence of lawyers in public business did not increase in proportion to the power of the people.”全文是这样的:“I am not unacquainted with the defects inherent in