
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:31:38
设f(根号下x)=1/x+2倍根号下x.解不等式f(x)-x>2谢谢各位高手 It is suggested that every citizen_____a newIt is suggested that every citizen_____a new habit and _____ civil to greet the 29th Olympics to be held in Beijing on August 8,2008.A.will practise;is B.practise;beIt is suggested that sb.should do sth 和 设f(根号x)=x分之一+2倍根号x、(1),求f(x)的表达式.(2),解不等式f(x)_x>2 Mary:What are you doing in the garden,John?John:I’m watering the flowers.My motherJohn:I’m watering the flowers.My mother says we must water the flowers every day,or they will die.(死)Mary:But it’s raining now.John:Oh,it doesn’t matter.Mary, on the 高三的英语阅读只有24分,完形填空只有15分.求提高的办法. resume的同义词是go on么? 用英语代替下列词语(同义词) 1.except 2.while 3.go on giving 4.give up It is required that the students ___ their homework on time .A .would hand in B .should hand in C .hands in D .is to hand in it is required that the subject ( )immediately.a.referirng to have been discussed b.referred to being discussed c.refereing to be discussed d.referred to be discussed It is required that the machine be oiled as frequently as necessary为什么用Be oiled而不用Must be oiled ,is oiled或者Will oil求详解 It is required that no smoking ______ in the school.A.was allowed B.be allowed C.would be allowed D.had been allowed 为什么要进行城市轨道交通的规划? Is that her alarm clock?改为否定句 Are those Cheng Hai 's model pianes 改为单数怎么改?Is that her alarm clock?改为肯定句怎么改?it ‘ his tape player 改为复数怎么改? 求on weekdays的同义词 以及on weekends的同义词 on的同义词 IS that her alarm clock的意思 我国城市轨道交通建设发展方向 航海家的小故事急用! vacation 同义词 英语句子中副词是什么?举例子,最好用中英来举简单的例子 why are(do) you still lie in bed.语法上用do还是are,一直不懂啊 改错:Are you still in the bed? 你还知道哪些中外航海家的故事?需要非常具体的 城市轨道交通轨道工程有哪些特点 城市轨道交通经济特征来分有哪些基本形式 传统交通系统与城市轨道交通各有什么特点 我在莉莉的生日聚会上见到他很惊讶.I‘m surprised-------- ---------- him at Lily's birthday party. 有哪些航海家的故事 quick的副词和形容词是什么quick是名词吗 写出下列形容词的副词形式.quick,easy,bad,sudden,