
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:02:23
不行英语 不行的英语是 【翻译】Listen,I'm not disagreeing with you but with you,and not about this but about this. 黑眼睛的男孩的英语the boy ) ) eyes BREAK THE PATTERN意思 如图,以三角形ABC(角BAC不等于六十度)的三边为边,分别做三个等边三角形.证四边形ADEF是平行四边形 如图,三角形ABC和三角形DEC都是等边三角形,各个角都是60度.说明AD=DE的理由.答对还有悬赏. 三角形ABC中,角A等于二十度,角B等于六十度,则三角形的形状是 A等边三角形 B锐角三角形 C直角三角形 D钝角三角形 your system has been mondified.Please remove the modification to play on thie server so,how about love?突然想起那场还没有结束的对话。他转身回到电脑桌旁,透过朦胧的泪眼,看着那些冷冰冰的价码,回复道:So, how about love? Don`t on the grass ,We should protect it in the park 这是首字母填空,s是第一个字母,求问号写什么,这应该是八年级的英语 how about love?what is love why love is happy? how about you?how about you?/ I can't go out [ u ] I finish my homework的【u】中u后填什吗 your system has been modified.piease remdve the modification to piay on this server.code[20]玩CS1.这次是CODE(20) 那些地方只有两个季节 It is easy to do.为什么do后面没有it 而Please show me how to do it有it english quick!blunt featuresslidingsightbranchesoverhangingtrickiermeaning? Slowly now Pale moonlight Shine through your gentle eyes Trust all my love for you I wanna be strongI feel you I hear you Do you believe in fate Feel all my love for you (forever and ever more) all my love for you Feel all my love for you (forever an 成人礼上写给孩子的信 自己的一封信 Grandpa ____(drink) green tea every afternoon. 开CD时进cs老说your system has been modified,这是怎么回事阿 说教我阿? 设抛物线C:y^2=2px(p>0)上有两动点A、B(AB不垂直于x轴F为焦点,且|AF|+|BF|=8,又线段AB的垂直平分线恒过定点Q(6.0)(1)求抛物线C的方程(2)求三角形AQB的面积最大值 过点(-1,0)引抛物线y^2;=x-1的两条切线,此二切线与抛物线所围图形绕x轴旋转所成的旋转体的体积急 点p在抛物线y=x2(x>0)上,点A坐标为(-1/3,0),抛物线在p点的切线与y轴点p在抛物线y=x²(x>0)上,点A坐标为(-1/3,0),抛物线在p点的切线与y轴及直线PA夹角相等,求点p的坐标 要怎样给10岁的儿子写信 英语不行 different和the different的区别 in the different in different 区别 aim at...用法及造句 和quick很像的一个英文单词叫什么是拼写像 我记得那个单词的结尾貌似也是k