
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:04:45
生物tRNA的运载氨基酸也携带氨基酸是同一种物质么?大神们帮帮忙 am glad to meet all of you什么意思? You may rely on it that they will help you solve the problem. there is no problem & it is no problem that 那个是正确的there is no problem that 与 it is no problem that 两个句型那个是正确的 It is more difficult to solve a problem than that of finding a question.详细句子结构分析that of finding a question 为什么不能是thant to find a question? 请问水合氢离子H3O是不是H+与水通过配位键形成的? 氨基酸脱氨基作用的几种方式,及各种方式的反应机理是什么? Jane _____(hang) the bag on the wall and then sat down when I came in.一般过去时或过去进行时?怎么有人说是一般过去时呢? Tom's bicycle is broken的同意句 _______Tom's bicycleTom's bicycle is broken的同意句_______Tom's bicycle急!快! The boy was walking down the street when a UFO landed on Center Street.这里为什么用when不能用while还有2道题:1.You could write him a letter.Sorry,I don t like writing letters.这里能把writing换成to write吗?为什么?2.While she __ My bike needs___since it's already broken A to be repairing B to be repair C repairing D repaired解答并列出有关need的所有用法 5该 You spin my head right round ,right round.when you go down when you go down down.谢谢具体点. The broken bike needs_.A.to repair B.repaired C.being repaired D.repairing要理由哦,我感觉应填to be repaired 可是没有这个选项~ We should do something to stop the water ____(the state of being dirty) 请指出下列那些可溶于酒精 那些不溶或难溶 FeSO4 Fe2(SO4)3 Cu(OH)2 CuCl2 ZnSO4 MgSO4 CaSO4 BaSO4还有Na2SO4 KCI Al2(SO4)3 Na2CO3 AgCI AlCI3 1)Look,_____dirty the water is!yes,we should really take action to deal with it.A.what a B.what C.how D.how a 2)During the past two years ,several earthquakes ______in different places of the world.A.happen B.happened C.took place D.take place3)His f eddie oshidi请问 这个名字怎么翻译 英语翻译如题 再帮我翻译一下:因为丢了她最爱的布娃娃我女儿很不高兴 MY brother is going to go to shanghaiMY brother is going to go to shanghai next week.有没有错? to plant going brother my is thees .Sunday lake we to next are the in going swim . My brother is going to buys a book修改病句 5.The question is_______my brother is going to feel better.A.When B.how C.whether D.if what size bowl of noodls would he like?和what size would you like?处1的 water make love 某天无意中在某同学的签名上看见了这个water make love ,脑袋都想烂了…… What size of bowl would you like与What size do you have中size单复数的字母 o、r、o、l、f组成的单词 r,l,a,l,d,o组成单词darbsfnbse 我不喜欢早起床 用英语怎么说 my brother has five good friends 中的my brother怎么提问 little is done to make dirty water clean before it goes into the river,in some big city.怎么翻译 用o f l e r w 组成一个单词,并说出中文. 用e,g,o,a,r,n组成一个单词