
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:27:57
The father did not know to whom he should leave the house becaue_____.选填 A.his sons all were bad to him B.he wanted to be fair to them C.he was very foolish D.he wanted to take it You will find to the left of the House of Hades,the SpringYou will find to the leftof the House of Hades,the Spring希腊神话里的碑文 The restaurant and its parent company hope eventually to design and market morecomplex robots for service ,industrail and farming sectors .But in a country where human labor is by far the biggest and cheapest resourse ,this will prove to be an intere 救死扶伤的反义词 嫦娥二号围绕L2点运行的问题拉格朗日L2点空无一物,嫦娥怎么围其运行? sunville has something for everyone.if you're looking for museums后面怎么写 France has () for ().A.everything;everyone B.anything;everyone C.something;everyone museum for the something has everyone has fascinating连词成句 复数的根已知1-i 是实系数方程x^4 - x^3 + 2ax + b = 0 的根,则此方程的其他3个根是( )(A) -1,1,1+i (B) -1,1,i-1(C) 0,1,1+i (D) 0,-1,1+i不要光选ABCD的答案,回答详细清楚的追加奖分, 目前有哪个国家载入造访拉格朗日l2点?载人造访拉格朗日l2点 英文 我受够那个地方了 怎么说告诉我啊! 试的组词 那个地方可以下英文歌 “那个地方手机没有信号”英文怎么说? Whether it is good for me to miss a person or not翻译成中文是什么 恐龙前爪为什么小?为什么? 恐龙的前爪有什么作用 恐龙的爪子能抓住水果吗 翻译英文:你去过的地方比我多 我特想知道他去过哪些地方 英语翻译 “每年至少去一个你从来没去过的地方”翻译成英文 求英文翻译:去过哪些地方?认为哪里最漂亮? 背单词怎样能长久记忆. 怎么背单词才能长久的记在脑中一个暑假过去了,单词忘了一大半 怎样背单词才能够长期记忆,我每天是背100个, last but not least到底什么意思是 最后但不是最重要的一点,还是 最后但也相当重要的一点? last but not Do you want to () me his address?The last bus ()at 6:00 the evening填空 在___填a,an,the in the evening ____ last year 急需比喻句拟人句越多越好! 宇宙的动力源泉是?牛顿的三大定律里面有一个内容是物体在不受到外力作用下始终保持匀速直线运动或静止.那么地球的自转的能量来自与太阳,太阳来自于银河,那么银河当然靠其他的星体咯 求比喻句、拟人句、排比句各2句,要有出处!每句不少于20字必有出处(最好是名人写的,不要名言)