
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:47:09
手抄报艺术字怎么画出来!就像这种,怎么画,最好简单一点 以New School,New Life 为主题办一份英语手抄报RT 有范本最好 Connectify 选Internet to Share 的时候提示 pro only feature设置中选择宽带连接总是显示 pro only feature,怎么办.有人说破解版可以是这样吗?谁有破解版? 能简单说下表达将来时will 和 be going to 的区别么?意思上有什么不同么?可以说 I'm going to 20 year么?可以说 It's going to rain? Connectify 怎么使用啊?选Internet to Share 的时候提示 pro only feature,还有 上面的密码 是随便写的吧?求大神教教怎么使用啊! 您好,关于Connectify 选Internet to Share 的时候提示 pro only feature,解决办法只能是升级升级为connectify 上网是上的电信拨号网,插的网线.connectify pro是不是只能花钱买了?Internet to Share选项为vnet pppoe版 picture frozen是什么意思picture frozen经常在英文歌中出现. 帮我找个同义词rely on在句子里面是Some teens rely on it just becouse feeling smoking and taking drugs are out of fashion 应为在上面一段已经用过这个单词了,所以就想换个. you can find a person you can find a person A person who truly loves you wants to see you happy .Even if it's not with them .求翻译 one 和 a big one“Do you have a coat like this ”“Yes,I have ____ .”A.one B.a one C.red one D.itThe bag is too small .Give me ____ ,please .A.big B.big one C.a big D.a big one后面一题要加a .前面一题就one够了. HIS FACE GOES RED WHENEVER HE GETS ANGRY这里为什么用GO 呢 可以换成SEEMS 或者BE吗 his face red,he stood here .是独立主格? His face go red/His face go redder 为什么go后面可以接形容词 a big one , if you ______(not want)to go alone.______(wait) for me large fast easy wet good important well这些单词的比较级和最高级谢谢 are these your clothes?否定回答 amy is going to be a cleaner.(a cleaner)划线提问 高级英语第五课 love is a fallacy 中的俚语都有哪些 out of my system _____you play football father watches TV at 7 p.m.为什么用atin是用在什么的前面 有think with这个固定搭配吗 My father sometimes watches TV with us at weekends.对us提问 英语作文 电子邮件, The girl did the ____ on the cat walk a moment ago.A.show B.showed C.showing D.shown Compared with the place ___ I grew up,this town is more prosperous and exciting.答案是where.能填that吗?为什么? competitive pricing帮忙翻译一下 ( )is my dream to come true.A.be a professional runner B.being a professional runner must not和 can not的区别举例 can not 和must not 的区别主要是想知道它们之间表推测语气的区别比如说他不可能是海伦应该用can not 还是must not在其它情况下呢?到底两者之间表推测语气有什么区别啊?还有,may和might有什么区 can not 与must not这俩词的区别是什么啊 还有need not 他们个的详细些啊 他一定是个男孩用哪个啊?