
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:29:12
answer的英文过去式是什么 really a good place ; a really good place 哪种说法正确,请详解,问题是KFC is ___ to meet friends .A really a good place B.a really good place Yunnan is_____(real)a good place to visit 是填real还是really,并写出为什么 It is really a wonderful place. 英语改错:Also we have mademany friends there.It is really a good place.I hope many friends will...英语改错:Also we have mademany friends there.It is really a good place.I hope many friends will join us. 改为感叹句It is really good news _____________ it is how/how a /what a/what terrible news 中哪一个对 怎样才能做好一名初中英语教师呢 作为一名初中英语教师,应如何在课堂45分钟更好地进行英语小短文的教学英语短文来自仁爱版初二下册Unit5,Topic2的SectionD 如何做好一名新型的初中英语教师呢? 五毒清活化水好吗?水的味道怎么样?有没有谁在用? 活化水是什么水活化水喝了有什么好处吗 如何做好一名语文老师作文 什么叫活化水 长寿水和活化水有区别吗这两种水有什么区别,喝了对人体有什么好处呢? 能量活化水的真的有那么多的效果吗?看到杂志上宣传能量水是弱碱性水,小分子团水 能量活化水有用吗?家里买了一台五毒清的活化水机,我觉得对我的便秘挺有帮助的,但是不知道还有没有其他什么作用,我太太血压不是很稳, 电影《心灵捕手》给你带来了什么感受?自己的体会 求《心灵捕手》片尾那首英文歌 英语翻译最好是原有歌词和中文翻译相对的那种例如:Fly me to the moon--带我飞向月球那位大侠帮我一下 She plays the piano very much.可不可以这么说? 指出有错误的选项 She likes playing the piano a lot.She plays the piano very good. 英语作文My favourite movieWrite a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "My favourite movie."You may use the words and phrase under:unforgettable,enjoy every minute of it ,attract,moving,exciting(60字左右,不要太复杂) 英语翻译 commitment to excellence如何翻译? She cooks very well. Lost:My school ID card.The card number is 65454379.My name is Mike.Please call 865-5448.Found:A red hat.Is this your hat?Please call Rich Wood at 567-7888. 跟据失物招领和寻物启事,回答下列问题.Does Mike lose his school ID card?( 求Foo Fighters的The Pretender 歌词中文翻译 missing you 的歌词的中文翻译 the saturday唱的那首 read on to find out more about the people with the job of protecting America‘s leaders 翻译句子 Candy中文意思 now i want to change my working environment and would like to find a job with more challenge请问这句话是现在时态 为什么要用would这个过去式呢? candy中文意思是什么?