
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:20:17
On my birthday ,my father sent me abeautiful b___ 英语翻译翻译这句话成英语.在句子中得有serve.他们这里不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳. 英语基础差,能不能单纯背背考纲单词和文章,还有多听听力来提高英语成绩? 英语基础差,想通过默写文章的方式来提高词汇量,但不知道该默写什么文章,求推荐...本人两天能搞定一篇阅读,包括读音、文章意思、文中的单词、句型!只是单词量少,现只求好文章。最 汉堡包的历史 以地面为参照物,月球的轨迹是圆周的关于月球的运动,下列说法正确的是( )A.以地面为参照物,月球是静止的B.以太阳为参照物,月球是静止的C.以地面为参照物,月球的轨迹是圆周A.以太阳为 He asked me ______.He asked me _____.A.who will kick the first goal in the World CupB.when was the APEC meeting heldC.when China became a member of the WTOD.where the 2008 Olympics will be held求带解析 英语谜题 Why are monkeys always chatting? .He asked me what ______.A.was the matter B.the matter was C.is the matter D.the matter is为什么选A 不是B 英语达人进,问个英语基础单词.请说的详细一些咯.回答过的没回答过的都来看看,这才是正解! He asked me____.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have C.they would help us do it D.what was wrong with me 为什么选b look very 粤语 大只妙 是 look angry的意思 look very 罗麦水杯是什么? He asked me****** 后面咋跟?(最好写五句)哦 We can go to the park by car.(换种说法,意思不变)We can( ) ( ) ( ) to the park. He asked me________l studied English or Frech.A.why He asked me…做一句超过20字的英文句子----急文法必须正确求求大大 Nothing.I am just walking past your home.谁帮我翻译出来/谢谢了, 他要我代替他去参加婚宴的 英文翻译 he asked me ___________wedding party _______. 写一篇250字左右的周记 求一篇周记(250)字,中学程度,现实点的.明天交了,自由发挥性题目,可我就没头绪。THANKS 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 如何做炸鱼?希望是即好吃有简单 我想做炸鱼. Just before the chinese class,I suddenly realized that I forgot___my Chinese text book. 炸鱼条怎么做?需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么,谢谢 just i...how happy she will be if you suddenly appear before her把单词补充完整 求周记250字 周记5篇250字