
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:52:31
中译英:从今天起,我们将更多关注野生动物的保护.(pay attention to “Pay attention to you English”什么意思来着? 人类探索月球有何意义 Students of English should pay their attention to communication怎么译 物理的速度 我不懂啊 我不懂某辆小汽车油箱内装满35KG汽油,司机小王驾车到某城市执行任务,路程为300千米,在告诉公路上匀速行驶时,车受到的阻力是920N(汽车完全燃烧产生的内能有百分之30转化为机械能;汽油 doesn't need to go on a diet.如何翻译? 碳酸氢根为什么会有酸性?老师说碳酸氢根酸性强于碳酸根? Mrs black is a h() ,so she doesn't need to go to work . 小明看到在没有起重机的情况下,工人要将 油桶搬运上汽车,常常用斜面,小明想:为什么不直接将油桶抬上车呢?难道这样做可以省力吗?如果能省力那么推力的大小与斜面长度有关吗?为了探究 碳酸根和碳酸氢根的酸性哪个强些? The sick boy-- go to school A.doesn't need B.needn't to C.doesn't need to D.don't need to 物理的题,我不懂一物体从粗糙斜面上滚下,做匀减速运动,质量为m斜面的质量为M,求地面受到的压力!答案是 大于m+M其实我就是不明白为何m做匀减速时,他受到的力小了可还是给M的磨擦力没变 COCL2的空间构型怎么判断用杂化轨道看VSEPR模型什么的判断.详细点说下过程. 怎么判断Cl2O空间构型?中心原子杂化轨道类型是什么? some recommendations for GREI appreciate you astute buddy recommending some useful books for my Analytical Writing test in general GRE,assuredly any pratical intelligence is ok.(using english question only means longing for valuable information,no of I to bear this is some burden 这里为什么要加TO,不加的话有什么不同吗 Some things to bear their own good,should not add to other people's Some things to bear their own good,should not add to other people's trouble would you like to 10___ some pictures of the little bear He must leave early特殊疑问句:Why_______________一般疑问句怎么改? He must leave early.的否定形式是什么? He must leave early否定句mustn't还是用needn't 水银防腐么?记得小时侯,水银温度计破了 漏出的小金属珠子液体 我还拿手上玩,差点就吃了,真心有余悸 水银可以防腐的吗 do the shopping和do some shopping的区别 i=nev这个物理公式是怎么推导的 公式I=nqvs求解释,物理恒稳电流里的. she wants jewelry,but she doesn't need it她想要珠宝,她又不需要?什么逻辑? she doesn't need use the calculator的同义句貌似不是呀。老师自己出的卷子 污水排入城市下水道水质标准 废水排队放水质标准