
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:13:03
划主谓宾,最好有定语、状语:What I’m really hoping to hear from you is several concrete steps that you're going to take moving forward that will be able to re-ignite my generation,re-ignite the youth who are beset by student loans. be full of vitality是什么意思 be full of 英语GRAMMARWhat better word than serendipity could define the collectors' triumphs in which accidentally found objects were discovered to have extraordinary value?请问如何理解这句定语从句中的IN WHICH? english grammarin an hour,we can travel to places ()would have taken our ancestors days to reach.为何选which,而非where.place 不是应该用where?求详解, 几道英语小 grammar!Passive voice:They didn't let him go.- He was not let go by them.(我想请问一下,为什麽go 不用变成 went )还有就是有哪些词是不能用passive voice的?例如:die ...之类的! 英文 grammar The watch stops 跟 The watch is stops的分别 2个意思不是一样吗?为什麼我见别人2个也用?还有the tree grow 跟 the tree is grow也是一样的问题 推荐很好的励志电影和小说 本人经历苦难众多 未看到光芒之处谢谢了,本人经历苦难众多 未看到光芒之处 一般的励志小说 电影也就别说了 真正与生活相连的 失败 慢慢走向成功 其中艰辛每 grammar问题1.Their criticism was not negative.2.he was full of energy.这2句文法有没有错误?negative(负面) 请教下面这句话的英语翻译:考查课采用优秀.良好.及格.不及格四级计分制. 选择最佳答案 1.Can I interview you ________the class newspaper? A.in B.about C.for D.of2.A robot _________do the dishes. A. can B. often C. is D.are3.Let's go and help ______.A. she B. him c.he 英语Grammar题目please fill in the blanks with the article "the" "a" "an",if don't need,put a cross.He became________icon all over the world.He joined his four elder brothers to sing at various clubs in ______Chic 英语的自我介绍,要小学生写的【不要太幼稚的】拜托各位大神 all about grammar的汉语意思 He came up with a really ____answer to thje question.(create) HE IS very good at Englishand he can speak it________.(fluent)Kate is afraid of water ,so she doesn't like _____very much.(swim) 初中英语书后的"Grammar check"中文是什么 I realized that I should be是什么意思?I came up with an idea呢? 语法GRAMMARThe Tunnel Channel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever___.experiened applied undertaken commanded 是as funny a story as 还是as a funny story as grammar 初中语法I don't know if she ____me when she_____.A.tells, arives B.tells, will arriveC.will tell, will arrive D.will tell,arrives最希望知道原因,怎么分析 帮我改一改文法和grammarIn my memory had store a lot of quotes. These quotes were light that guided me through in darkness. I would always learn something that could make my life better by the quotes and the following quote “Discard time, th 亲密文法 INTIMATE GRAMMAR怎么样 grammar,语法问题,请教分析一下此题目!You should be hurry. The ( ) water is cooling down.选项: a、boiling b、boiled c、being boiling d、having boiled 已知点A(a,-2)和B(3,b)当满足什么条件时,点A和点B关于y轴对称 已知a(a,-2)和b(3,d)当满足条件?时,点a和b关于y轴对称 1.he came up with a creative idea 2.this TV play is very successful3.both of them feel like shaying up late 4.to be an animal docror is interesting5.tom and jerry cartoon was very successful 同义句 英文单词里有哪些与德文单词一样就是一个单词,英语里它是一个意思,德语里又是另外一个意思,求这种单词 snow white is the___________story in this book(wonderful) 我英语很不强,底子很差,老师上课都听不太懂,听不懂就不想学,越不学越不懂,现在我都初三了,该怎么补 雅思词汇5.5+和雅思词汇6.5+有什么区别?内容差别大吗?本人需要达到雅思5.5,在网上买了一本雅思词汇经典(我们这儿没卖的),因为第一次买所以不知道还分几种,现在已经退不了了.那么这两 we have shared in our sorrows as well as joys. 英语:关于with引导的独立主格结构,With的复合结构作独立主格表伴随时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构举例:He stood there,his hand raised.  = He stood there,with his hand raise.例句的第二 史记廉颇蔺相如列传故事主人公是