
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:13:38
the first thing to do与the first thing to be done有何区别?最好有例句,谢谢 She was at school yesterday.变为复数句子. betty didn't come to school yesterday because she was ill对划线部分提问化纤部分是because she was ill She was late _______school yesterday.A for B by C in D at Why wasn't Lily at school yesterday?Was she ill?回答 修改病句:我们要把改善民生、保障民生、关注民生座位一切工作的目的和出发点 改善民生 关注民生 作文 论文:关注十七大关注民生 草虫的村落小练笔怎么写、30字就够了……急 she is happy when she is at school有语法错误吗 No,she_____._____at school 翻译The girl is not happy at the new school.She has few friends there.谢谢 She is my best friend at school.She is always happy to help everyone. 五年级的15课落花生小练笔,300字以上急! 英语阅读题 All living things on the earth need other living things to liveAll living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others 英语翻译so me she goes to school at 7.30.对划线部分提问 划线(she at 7.30) 急求80T浮吊船的性能参数急求80T浮吊船的各项性能参数,如起重重量、浮吊船的尺寸、起吊半径、吃水深度、对航道有什么要求、起吊板梁时的注意事项等等 有1000吨以上的浮吊船么?请问谁知道哪里有1000吨以上的浮吊船吗? 起重船,浮吊船,锚艇招租有没有用到工程船? 浮吊船,浮吊船有没有人用到? She looks happy.look不是动词吗?为什么后面要跟形容词啊 you look happy(用she替换you) 党和国家为什么要高度关注民生,努力让民生过上更好生活? 党和国家为什么要重视解决民生问题 党和国家为什么要高度关注民生 英语翻译Today is the first dayOf the rest of my lifeI wake as a childTo see the world beginOn monarch queensAnd birthday wonderingsWant to put on facesWalk in the wet and coldAnd look forward to my growing oldTo grow old is to changeTo change is 英语翻译The first half of the day was dominated by the job offer to Internet sensation Ted Williams,the homeless man from Columbus with the golden voice. 请问“the first day in a while”怎么翻译RT Earth Day falls ___March 21,the first day of spring.A in B at C on D to 选什么 为什么? so not cool 中文是什么意思到底是什么意思啊 ? Cool하게