如图,△abc中,三条内角平分线ad,be,cf相交于点o,og垂直bc于点g1 若∠abc=40°

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:08:07
如图,△abc中,三条内角平分线ad,be,cf相交于点o,og垂直bc于点g1 若∠abc=40°
Please comment on the student’s ability to respond to criticism or suggestion The student's t____is high.Please send him to the hosptal in a hurry please comment on the relative and absolute deline of British economy? 我国四川省面积居全国第几位? 四川省面积多大快点告诉我呀!怎麽没人告诉我呀!~555~ 四川的面积约多少? 选择正确答案Can you tell (me,we) how to get to the bookshop? light your loda and save your life 这个问题英语怎么回答我明天要参加英语口试 还有下面这道题 do you have some stresswhat causes your stresshow to pickle or fight your stress over的翻译 ███一道选择_____we made snowmen last nightA.What a great funB.How a great funC.How niceD.What great fun over在这里的意思They will have a chat over the events of the day.over是关于的意思吗?可以替换成about吗? 我的X6用JAF刷机最后过程出现了错误,内容是Phone did't respond,if the phone is not started yet please 兄弟,我的5230刷机以后弹出Phone did't respond,if the phone is not started yet please.然后机子打不开了,屏幕不亮了.怎么办怎么办啊?是不是永远打不开了? JAF刷机提示Phone did't respond小弟欧水黑色5230,RM588,CODE 0585364 ,购于淘宝,手机里没有3G功能昨天刷DIY固件时JAF 出现Phone did't respond,if the phone is not started yet please wait for the phone to start and connect to usb, Please do not hesitate to phone Tim ____ 0120 567 8901.A、 to B、 onC、 under请问选择哪个?为何? over在线翻译 over 是什么意思? Over的意思. 两到道中英语选择题 1.In Astralia,surfing is a popular sport among young people__they can seek exci接上··· seek excitemeng and adventure.A that B which C where D how2.Helping others is ahabit,__you can learn even at early ageA it Bthat C Since last year,the 9 Square Dairy has become __ online,especially among young people.应该填什么,p开头的单词 Can you tell me how can I get to the bookshop?改为同义句 关系代词that与关系副词who的区别 over.什么意思 handin' over 是指什么啊全句是this handin' over the business 帮我翻译 Let's make a wager,if we have Ture love .then I will give anthing in the world to wait yo要准一点的啊 over 对不起,我迟到了 这次没关系 I am sorry________.________________this time. 在小学六年级上册英语书中第一单元story time 中的 I am really sorry ,sir是什么 在小学六年级上册英语书中story time 中的 I am really sorry , 补铁过多,牙齿和舌苔会发黑吗 翻译:get the site off the ground you get the fuck off!这语法对吗?麻烦哪位高手给个正确的语法!