
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:01:43
You must give it to ____it belongs to.A.that B.who C.whomever D.what并说明依据原因, 牧童主要写的内容是什么10个字 巾帼示范岗事迹材料文字在1500-2000,关于企业女工 只做文言阅读 怎么将语文文言文做好 SPSS能不能统计文章中某个词语的使用频率,是个菜鸟,请说得清楚一点.Word文件是不是先要转换格式或做编辑?那么应该怎么编辑? (had she not come) to our help when we were in trouble,we couldn't have finished our task on time.括号里面是什么结构啊.if she didn'tcome怎么错了 had she not come) to our help when we were in trouble,we couldn't have finished our task on time.括号里面是什么结构啊.if she didn'tcome怎么错了 一次函数y=(2m-1)x+m-1,当m 时,直线与y轴交x轴下方当m 直线与x轴的交点的横坐标为-3?当m 时,直线经过一三四象限当m 直线经过一三象限当m 时 直线经过一二三象限当m 直线经过原点 You must ___ the recorder____me now.A will give … up B take…to C returned…to D return…to 如何计算word文档中文字的个数想问问,怎样计算word文档的中文字符的个数啊? 高中英语完成句子 You must give the book back to (whom it b高中英语完成句子You must give the book back to (whom it belongs to ).(belong )你必须把这本书还给他的主人.为什么最后要加to 为什么不能理解为 1.m、n为何值时一次函数y=(2m+4)x+(3-n)图象交Y轴在X轴下方2.若y=(2m+4)x+(3-n)图象经过第一,二,四象限,求m,n取值范围. 帮我查一查这篇文章几个字,在word2003里有字数统计,我没word2003,我给30分奶奶今年已经64岁了,但别人都说她长得年轻,因为她一根白发都没有,而且身体非常健康.奶奶每天穿着整洁的衣服,看上去 The books must[ ]return to the library on time A give back B take C return D be returned选什么,求.The books must[ ]the library on time A give back B take C return D be returned 最后一支舞 just one last dance主唱者是谁 我们马上要考英语了,因为我特别想考好,而且我也很努力,但是我刚才考的数学,没有考好,所以我现在很紧帮帮我吧! 我现在高二下学期开学快一个月了,开始总复习了,英语,政治这六课我都太差了,我想考 just one last dance 背后有什么样的故事?just one last dance just one last dance 的链接是什么 如何统计word里一篇文章的单词量比如一篇文章,我想统计一下都用了哪些不重复的单词,算是求真子集吧 just one last higher的反义词 笔顺字典推荐本人是对外汉语专业,需要一本重视笔顺规范性的字典,可是在网上简单查了一下,种类繁多,不知如何挑选,望各位推荐一下,哪个版本的好一些.最好注明名称、出版社等信息.有图 you will need to speak quite loudly because my father’s going什么. 翻译:you've got to speak loudly because he can't hear you. not speak loudly in the library为什么要把not 改为don't重点讲明原因 Don't speak loudly in the library,it isn't___(politely) Don`t make any noise in the library,(改为同Don`t make any noise in the library,(改为同义句) 哪里有商务英语论文专门写作中心? I’m sorry I can’t speak to you loudly(大声地)today,because I have a ________.A.good time B.party C.sore throat D.meeting We______heard a big noise when we were passing the room A.quickly B.slightly C.suddenly D.happily